(too old to reply)
M Kfivethousand
2021-05-08 21:54:01 UTC
Some day when i get bored of cleaning need to go to bank to deal with safety deposit

Not critical but needs to be done


The activity of Russia since 2008 has been very, very aggressive, they've attacked and invaded Georgia, they've seized the Crimea, they've attacked into the Ukraine. That's worrisome.--Mark Milley
M Kfivethousand
2021-05-09 02:36:30 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Some day when i get bored of cleaning need to go to bank to deal with safety deposit
Not critical but needs to be done
The activity of Russia since 2008 has been very, very aggressive, they've attacked and invaded Georgia, they've seized the Crimea, they've attacked into the Ukraine. That's worrisome.--Mark Milley
You know what’s really amazing?
When I cleaned out my (2) closets a couple weeks ago, I threw away TWO full large green trash bags full of old shoes.
Imagine how many pairs of old gross shoes, some more than 10 years old, fit in 2 trash bags.
How does anyone accumulate that many shoes? And I don’t even wear dress/heel type shoes, so they didn’t contribute to the collection.
Two full trash bags of flats, moccasins, sneakers, and boots.
How is that even possible? Who needs that many shoes? What was I thinking?


But in different places

Fear is a powerful drug
Overcome it and
You think that you can do
Anything!--"Innocence" lyrics
