Stereotype Playstyle for hunting rifle.
(too old to reply)
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-08 02:20:44 UTC
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..

This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today

Some comments follow

American Thinker
29 July 2014

Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions

from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.

(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)

This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)

surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)

Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)

and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.

And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.

Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.

Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b

(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b

Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)

He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.

Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)

A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)

With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.

Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)

Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.

(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)

And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.

(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)

His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.

None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.

Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.

When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.

Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.

Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.

Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)

Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)

All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)

But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.

(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).

If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.

Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.

(Is not trump--me)

Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.

(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-09 04:26:08 UTC
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.


It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!

Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this

source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-09 04:31:59 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.
It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!
Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this
source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
I cannot answer howw

All i can tell you is if not having a friend who took me to the polls this describes me fully

I see no purity

There are so many people of all ages who cannot get to the polls

Absentee ballot so called purity reforms also put you out of pocket with all the certifications and driving around to get them

Once upon a time, when the world had working responsible politicians, they appointed ward leaders who knew every Body in their neighborhood

You did not need an id

Politicians are lazy oligarchical bums these days


Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata
He Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata--
Tina Malia & Shimshai
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-09 23:06:23 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.
It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!
Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this
source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
I cannot answer howw
All i can tell you is if not having a friend who took me to the polls this describes me fully
I see no purity
There are so many people of all ages who cannot get to the polls
Absentee ballot so called purity reforms also put you out of pocket with all the certifications and driving around to get them
Once upon a time, when the world had working responsible politicians, they appointed ward leaders who knew every Body in their neighborhood
You did not need an id
Politicians are lazy oligarchical bums these days
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata
He Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata--
Tina Malia & Shimshai
I actually did suspect for a long time that Trump wouldn’t be able to focus on a thing and then follow up on it. Like a child. He must’ve been easy to distract and fool that way.
I still can’t believe how many “normal” people were able to continue working with him though, and WITH HIM IN CHARGE, and keep their mouths shut and actually stay on board for 4+ years.
Money burns.
I find it easy to pretend
That we're not heading
For our end that's
Why I'm telling you..=="True" lyrics
The Frames
“Every time he talked to the Turks or about Turkey, Trump had the same talking point: how they’d been screwed by Obama. Trump loved to order cabinet secretaries, staff, or whoever else was sitting near him to give this dictator or that whatever it was he wanted. I think he enjoyed seeing his own people squirm when he said things such as “Let’s give it to them. Let’s get it done. Now.” He would generally follow up with said dictator with a casual “If it doesn’t happen, you just call me, you don’t need to call the others, I will take care of it.” I believe he must have thought it made him look tough and powerful. As for us? We generally slow walked or ignored the president and very rarely did exactly what he asked.
Another entertaining aspect of those meetings was that because the president got bored quickly, he would move on to different subjects, often using as a segue “Let’s talk about another subject, that is too unpleasant for me.” Or he’d say, “We can’t talk about trade now. Boring.”

Excerpt From
I'll Take Your Questions Now
Stephanie Grisham
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-10 21:08:28 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.
It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!
Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this
source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
I cannot answer howw
All i can tell you is if not having a friend who took me to the polls this describes me fully
I see no purity
There are so many people of all ages who cannot get to the polls
Absentee ballot so called purity reforms also put you out of pocket with all the certifications and driving around to get them
Once upon a time, when the world had working responsible politicians, they appointed ward leaders who knew every Body in their neighborhood
You did not need an id
Politicians are lazy oligarchical bums these days
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata
He Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata--
Tina Malia & Shimshai
I actually did suspect for a long time that Trump wouldn’t be able to focus on a thing and then follow up on it. Like a child. He must’ve been easy to distract and fool that way.
I still can’t believe how many “normal” people were able to continue working with him though, and WITH HIM IN CHARGE, and keep their mouths shut and actually stay on board for 4+ years.
Money burns.
I find it easy to pretend
That we're not heading
For our end that's
Why I'm telling you..=="True" lyrics
The Frames
“Every time he talked to the Turks or about Turkey, Trump had the same talking point: how they’d been screwed by Obama. Trump loved to order cabinet secretaries, staff, or whoever else was sitting near him to give this dictator or that whatever it was he wanted. I think he enjoyed seeing his own people squirm when he said things such as “Let’s give it to them. Let’s get it done. Now.” He would generally follow up with said dictator with a casual “If it doesn’t happen, you just call me, you don’t need to call the others, I will take care of it.” I believe he must have thought it made him look tough and powerful. As for us? We generally slow walked or ignored the president and very rarely did exactly what he asked.
Another entertaining aspect of those meetings was that because the president got bored quickly, he would move on to different subjects, often using as a segue “Let’s talk about another subject, that is too unpleasant for me.” Or he’d say, “We can’t talk about trade now. Boring.”
Excerpt From
I'll Take Your Questions Now
Stephanie Grisham
I am waiting for the Further furor

But it does make sense Biden would get rid of the afghan problem as soon as possible then let it die down


Dark clouds
I been seein' dark clouds lately
I'm so tired of seein' dark clouds, baby
But it's them dark clouds that made me--Yung Bleu
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-14 23:09:49 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.
It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!
Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this
source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
I cannot answer howw
All i can tell you is if not having a friend who took me to the polls this describes me fully
I see no purity
There are so many people of all ages who cannot get to the polls
Absentee ballot so called purity reforms also put you out of pocket with all the certifications and driving around to get them
Once upon a time, when the world had working responsible politicians, they appointed ward leaders who knew every Body in their neighborhood
You did not need an id
Politicians are lazy oligarchical bums these days
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata
He Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata--
Tina Malia & Shimshai
I actually did suspect for a long time that Trump wouldn’t be able to focus on a thing and then follow up on it. Like a child. He must’ve been easy to distract and fool that way.
I still can’t believe how many “normal” people were able to continue working with him though, and WITH HIM IN CHARGE, and keep their mouths shut and actually stay on board for 4+ years.
Money burns.
I find it easy to pretend
That we're not heading
For our end that's
Why I'm telling you..=="True" lyrics
The Frames
“Every time he talked to the Turks or about Turkey, Trump had the same talking point: how they’d been screwed by Obama. Trump loved to order cabinet secretaries, staff, or whoever else was sitting near him to give this dictator or that whatever it was he wanted. I think he enjoyed seeing his own people squirm when he said things such as “Let’s give it to them. Let’s get it done. Now.” He would generally follow up with said dictator with a casual “If it doesn’t happen, you just call me, you don’t need to call the others, I will take care of it.” I believe he must have thought it made him look tough and powerful. As for us? We generally slow walked or ignored the president and very rarely did exactly what he asked.
Another entertaining aspect of those meetings was that because the president got bored quickly, he would move on to different subjects, often using as a segue “Let’s talk about another subject, that is too unpleasant for me.” Or he’d say, “We can’t talk about trade now. Boring.”
Excerpt From
I'll Take Your Questions Now
Stephanie Grisham
I am waiting for the Further furor
But it does make sense Biden would get rid of the afghan problem as soon as possible then let it die down
Dark clouds
I been seein' dark clouds lately
I'm so tired of seein' dark clouds, baby
But it's them dark clouds that made me--Yung Bleu
I almost changed the channel then became transfixed when the one six committee presented their case

Trump is so guilty

I think trump will be subpoenaed but will die before scotus rules on it


But you couldn't care less
I could move a mountain
Yeah I could part the sea
Yeah I could walk on water=="Couldn't Make You Love Me" lyrics
Wade Bowen
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-14 23:22:16 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.
It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!
Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this
source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
I cannot answer howw
All i can tell you is if not having a friend who took me to the polls this describes me fully
I see no purity
There are so many people of all ages who cannot get to the polls
Absentee ballot so called purity reforms also put you out of pocket with all the certifications and driving around to get them
Once upon a time, when the world had working responsible politicians, they appointed ward leaders who knew every Body in their neighborhood
You did not need an id
Politicians are lazy oligarchical bums these days
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata
He Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata--
Tina Malia & Shimshai
I actually did suspect for a long time that Trump wouldn’t be able to focus on a thing and then follow up on it. Like a child. He must’ve been easy to distract and fool that way.
I still can’t believe how many “normal” people were able to continue working with him though, and WITH HIM IN CHARGE, and keep their mouths shut and actually stay on board for 4+ years.
Money burns.
I find it easy to pretend
That we're not heading
For our end that's
Why I'm telling you..=="True" lyrics
The Frames
“Every time he talked to the Turks or about Turkey, Trump had the same talking point: how they’d been screwed by Obama. Trump loved to order cabinet secretaries, staff, or whoever else was sitting near him to give this dictator or that whatever it was he wanted. I think he enjoyed seeing his own people squirm when he said things such as “Let’s give it to them. Let’s get it done. Now.” He would generally follow up with said dictator with a casual “If it doesn’t happen, you just call me, you don’t need to call the others, I will take care of it.” I believe he must have thought it made him look tough and powerful. As for us? We generally slow walked or ignored the president and very rarely did exactly what he asked.
Another entertaining aspect of those meetings was that because the president got bored quickly, he would move on to different subjects, often using as a segue “Let’s talk about another subject, that is too unpleasant for me.” Or he’d say, “We can’t talk about trade now. Boring.”
Excerpt From
I'll Take Your Questions Now
Stephanie Grisham
I am waiting for the Further furor
But it does make sense Biden would get rid of the afghan problem as soon as possible then let it die down
Dark clouds
I been seein' dark clouds lately
I'm so tired of seein' dark clouds, baby
But it's them dark clouds that made me--Yung Bleu
I almost changed the channel then became transfixed when the one six committee presented their case
Trump is so guilty
I think trump will be subpoenaed but will die before scotus rules on it
But you couldn't care less
I could move a mountain
Yeah I could part the sea
Yeah I could walk on water=="Couldn't Make You Love Me" lyrics
Wade Bowen
Not sure Who watched, but that Meadows contempt hearing was brutal.
I wonder why everyone keeps asking “why did meadows stop cooperating”
Are they really that stupid they don’t know he stopped cooperating because trump TOLD HIM TO? Man I can’t believe some of these suckers are actually choosing jail, over crossing trump. Desperate, evil men.

In any case, based on some of the text messages they read out loud , January testimonies should be a lot of fun. Minimally I would expect they’ll include dopey congress members like Brooks and Boebert, but also most of Fox News hosts and sounds like probably trump kids will be up soon too.
I think they’ll subpoena trump?


Somethings's happening then I'm indulging
Music is mine, Gucci seats reclined,
Gold grill, a paint job will shine..
Pull up in the park and then pop the trunk

source: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/e/ericbandrakimlyrics/therlyrics.html
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-15 04:06:38 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.
It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!
Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this
source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
I cannot answer howw
All i can tell you is if not having a friend who took me to the polls this describes me fully
I see no purity
There are so many people of all ages who cannot get to the polls
Absentee ballot so called purity reforms also put you out of pocket with all the certifications and driving around to get them
Once upon a time, when the world had working responsible politicians, they appointed ward leaders who knew every Body in their neighborhood
You did not need an id
Politicians are lazy oligarchical bums these days
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata
He Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata--
Tina Malia & Shimshai
I actually did suspect for a long time that Trump wouldn’t be able to focus on a thing and then follow up on it. Like a child. He must’ve been easy to distract and fool that way.
I still can’t believe how many “normal” people were able to continue working with him though, and WITH HIM IN CHARGE, and keep their mouths shut and actually stay on board for 4+ years.
Money burns.
I find it easy to pretend
That we're not heading
For our end that's
Why I'm telling you..=="True" lyrics
The Frames
“Every time he talked to the Turks or about Turkey, Trump had the same talking point: how they’d been screwed by Obama. Trump loved to order cabinet secretaries, staff, or whoever else was sitting near him to give this dictator or that whatever it was he wanted. I think he enjoyed seeing his own people squirm when he said things such as “Let’s give it to them. Let’s get it done. Now.” He would generally follow up with said dictator with a casual “If it doesn’t happen, you just call me, you don’t need to call the others, I will take care of it.” I believe he must have thought it made him look tough and powerful. As for us? We generally slow walked or ignored the president and very rarely did exactly what he asked.
Another entertaining aspect of those meetings was that because the president got bored quickly, he would move on to different subjects, often using as a segue “Let’s talk about another subject, that is too unpleasant for me.” Or he’d say, “We can’t talk about trade now. Boring.”
Excerpt From
I'll Take Your Questions Now
Stephanie Grisham
I am waiting for the Further furor
But it does make sense Biden would get rid of the afghan problem as soon as possible then let it die down
Dark clouds
I been seein' dark clouds lately
I'm so tired of seein' dark clouds, baby
But it's them dark clouds that made me--Yung Bleu
I almost changed the channel then became transfixed when the one six committee presented their case
Trump is so guilty
I think trump will be subpoenaed but will die before scotus rules on it
But you couldn't care less
I could move a mountain
Yeah I could part the sea
Yeah I could walk on water=="Couldn't Make You Love Me" lyrics
Wade Bowen
Not sure Who watched, but that Meadows contempt hearing was brutal.
I wonder why everyone keeps asking “why did meadows stop cooperating”
Are they really that stupid they don’t know he stopped cooperating because trump TOLD HIM TO? Man I can’t believe some of these suckers are actually choosing jail, over crossing trump. Desperate, evil men.
In any case, based on some of the text messages they read out loud , January testimonies should be a lot of fun. Minimally I would expect they’ll include dopey congress members like Brooks and Boebert, but also most of Fox News hosts and sounds like probably trump kids will be up soon too.
I think they’ll subpoena trump?
Somethings's happening then I'm indulging
Music is mine, Gucci seats reclined,
Gold grill, a paint job will shine..
Pull up in the park and then pop the trunk
source: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/e/ericbandrakimlyrics/therlyrics.html
Trump also filed a bogus stop counting in Michigan based on they do not have witnesses in the room

Imho, the regulation probably requires having to give so many days notice with specific names

I could be wrong on these guesses, I haven’t heard any legal analysis either way


safe from a rolling sea
there's always been a quiet place
to harbor you and me
Our love is like a ship on the ocean--Rock the Boat,The Hues Corporation
M Kfivethousand
2021-12-18 01:55:50 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
General Kelly who was Trump chief of staff was just a douchebag hiding behind 4 stars.
“We look back on history, and what do we see? Empires rising and falling; revolutions and counter-revolutions succeeding one another; wealth accumulating and wealth dispersed; one nation dominant and then another. As Shakespeare’s King Lear puts it, “the rise and fall of great ones that ebb and flow with the moon.”--― Malcolm Muggeridge
I received the following via a friend who got it Navy vet, he notes . Political (yes!), but interesting commentary—esp written in ecially about Russia, its history, and of course Mr. Putin……………..
This is hilarious being it was written in 2014I have very little respect for American.Thinker as it gets everything wrong as it almost assuredly will in its commentary on the same subject today
Some comments follow
American Thinker
29 July 2014
Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins
by James Lewis
For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions
from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their benevolent protection, their claim to protect European Christianity was not totally wrong. Just as the Pope of Rome traces his legitimacy to the Apostle Peter, so the Russian Orthodox Church, the established church of Tsarist Russia, traces its lineage to the Byzantine Empire, beginning three centuries after Jesus of Nazareth. For all its faults, Tsarist Russia buffered the West against worse threats.
(Their xr lineage traces back to Ukrainian Kyiv rus who adopted xry in 988, Moscow as an organized entity did not exist til the 1200s--me)
This history is important today because Putin is trying to reclaim the Tsarist legacy. Rumor has it that he likes to be called “Tsar” by his inner circle. He has regular photo ops with the Patriarch of Moscow, (who is akgb agent who long denounced god--me)
surrounded by the glittering bling of the Byzantine past. The choral music of Russia—often magnificent—can be traced to Constantinople. (uh no kyovan ukr which got it from a lot of sources including Jewish cantors--me)
Fast forward a thousand years, (as note dude has his dates wrong, if I fast forward that much it would be 2200 at best--me)
and you can now see Putin’s presidential website at the Kremlin, trying to look modern, peaceful, and enlightened. The regime has gone to great lengths to show the world a smiling face.
And yet, Putin has totally blown his PR campaign by his bloody actions in the Ukraine. This at a time when Europe desperately needs a protective power, because it is once again at the mercy of a hyper-aggressive Islamic war theology, the faith of ancient desert pirates. The very idea of Europe was formed historically in a war of resistance against North African Muslim invaders of Spain and France. The first European epic is the Song of Roland, which celebrates the martyrdom of Knight Roland against the treacherous Saracens. The Crusades were arguably a prolonged defensive war against Muslim invaders, who were inspired by exactly the same thinking we see today from Hamas and ISIS.
Islamic reactionary cults are carbon copies of their forebears a thousand years ago. Those ancient warrior cults have kept the Muslim world mired in the dysfunctional past. Every so often a leader like Ataturk attempts to modernize one country or another, only to be reversed several decades later. Today we are living in the Greatest Islamic Reversal, as modernist Muslims everywhere feel besieged by the self-destructive barbarism of the past.
Putin is a lifelong expert on Western Europe, b
(Expert is a nice synonym for oligarchic thief --me)b
Beginning from his years as KGB resident in East Germany. The KGB ran spies all the way into the West German prime minister’s office. They penetrated the UK with the Cambridge spies, and scattered spies and agents of influence in American media, government agencies, and universities. Putin knows the West like the back of his hand. (he does not- he only knows most people are greedy and can be bought, human condition, not western specific--me)
He knows our decadence, and he respects our power—when we show the will to exercise it.
Today, Europe desperately needs a protective power, and under Obama, America is walking away from its former allies. ( no that happened under Trump,--me)
A new modernist Russia could have filled the role of a reasonable protector of the wobbly nations of Europe, with all the benefits that would accrue—but Putin has just blown his chance. He has proven that he can never be trusted.( well I agree with that, but he did show he is an asshole earlier during dubya term when he invaded georgia--me)
With the rise of a self-proclaimed terrorist caliphate in Iraq and Syria, right next door to an equally mad near-nuclear power in Iran, we are seeing a predictable WMD race spreading to the whole Middle East. Those nations are practically next door to Russia.
Vladimir Putin seems to think he is somehow immune from trouble from the south. ( because he stokes, plays both sides against the middle--me)
Well, ISIS now has 88 pounds of radioactive metal, enough to make a dirty bomb. Saudi Arabia has a standing order for advanced nukes and missiles from Pakistan. Noforward seven years, wrong--me)body so far has devised a convincing defense against a nuclear attack from a maniac regime.
(Blame Trump for listening to criminal netanyahu--me)
And yet—instead of protecting his threatened southern flank from nuclear-armed maniacs, Vladimir Putin is destroying his credibility in the West, which is no threat to him. Putin is living in the Soviet past, a fatal error for any would-be statesman.
(Fast forward seven years, wrong--me)
His shrewd strategic sense that we saw in play only months ago has now yielded to a primitive urge for emotional revenge against the West.
None of this makes any sense, because Putin has a commodity much more precious than oil and gas: Of all the nations of Europe, only Moscow is ready, willing, and able to fight Islamic aggression. It has shown as much in Chechnya. The whole world is therefore running precisely the risk predicted by Bush and Cheney: Suicidal terrorists with space-age weapons. That horse is now out of the barn, thanks to Obama’s deliberate inaction. Recent news indicates that Obama and Qatar (a truly primitive regime) have backed the new Al Qaida “Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria. In typical Obama fashion, he picks the most barbaric and destructive players to secretly support. We can see the same pattern of behavior at our southern border, where the Sinaloa Cartel now controls more than the U.S. Border Patrol. Obama always makes things worse, and in that respect, Putin is his long-lost twin brother.
Ten years from now Russian oil and gas will be a drug on the market, with fracking and other new extraction methods turning a third of the world into energy exporters. Ten years from now Russia will have no economic advantage left, and Putin knows that. But somehow the Kremlin still doesn’t realize that a renewed Russia could once again become the protector of civilization against barbarism. Putin’s emotional need for revenge upsets all rational calculations.
When Putin outmaneuvered Obama on Assad’s chemical weapons, he demonstrated a strong strategic capability. But now a different, more primitive Tsar has blown it in the eyes of the world. He has done it so brutally, cynically, and sadistically that he no longer looks smart or civilized. Putin is engaged in a shadow-play of his own imagining. This is not smart. In Russian, it’s nyekulturniye—uncivilized.
Like Obama, Putin follows a revenge narrative. Obama’s Third World Socialism is an ego-satisfying emotional rampage against Western imperialism, which spluttered out sixty ago, long before Barack Obama was even born. The British Empire is gone, but Obama has an irrational need to refight the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. That is why he constantly needs to show the fickle finger of fate to mainstream Americans. In his mind, America still needs to be punished for slavery—which Abraham Lincoln abolished in 1865.
Obama’s obsession with exacting revenge for European imperialism is a little bit mad, to say the least.
Yet, in their latest brutalities, Putin and his agents echo the same revenge motive. There is no strategic rationale for sending Russian Bukanti-aircraft missiles to the trigger-happy rabble of phony Ukrainians serving Putin’s cause.
Their economy is even worse now,
( yea there was they thought they were shooting at ukr military jets--me)
Today, Putin’s henchmen have shot down, not just the Malaysian airliner, but also two Ukrainian air force jets, defending their internationally recognized sovereign territory. Russian artillery is now bombarding Ukrainian soil. Therefore Putin, too, is being drawn into a cesspool of ancient resentments, the remote echoes of causes that no sane person supports anymore. (except russians--me)
All this is shortsighted, emotionally driven, ow, inflation, covid, investment flight, collapse of stock and bond markets, currency devaluation, oligarchic theft and corruption, yet he keeps beating war drums--me)
But Europe has been scared into looking for other sources of oil and gas, thereby undermining Putin’s high-priced product.
Moscow has just blown a chance to reduce American influence in Western Europe. The new Tsar has inadvertently strengthened NATO, and even bolstered the weak-kneed Europeans. If a Republican administration is elected in time, NATO will almost surely send “tripwire” contingents of troops to the Ukraine and surrounding nations. At some point the West will call his bluff.
(O guess what not only did the Trump administration not do it, but he wanted to dismantle NATO, tho Biden is talking today about tripwire--me).
If God has a sense of irony he is surely chuckling at two world leaders, both immensely ego-driven, unable to control their emotions, in love with themselves, and defeating their own purposes. The Chicago pol and the KGB colonel are making nasty faces at each other in a funhouse mirror.
Serious nations need clear-thinking, mature, down-to-earth leaders.
(Is not trump--me)
Somehow America and Russia have blundered into extremely risky leaders who can’t think straight. Here’s hoping that sensible people will throw the bums out, both here and there.
(Well we got rid of idiot Trump, Putin ain't. Goin nowhere, he just unconstitutionally appointed himself for another term in spite of limits--me)
The only hope now is that as many poor old republicans as democrats don’t vote now.
It's workin', It's workin'
Party people if you're ready to rock let me hear you scream!
Can you chill a can can you spill a can can you kill a can I know I can
know I can I know I can can an American a Republican tucking with this
source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/n/naughtybynaturelyrics/itsworkinlyrics.html
I cannot answer howw
All i can tell you is if not having a friend who took me to the polls this describes me fully
I see no purity
There are so many people of all ages who cannot get to the polls
Absentee ballot so called purity reforms also put you out of pocket with all the certifications and driving around to get them
Once upon a time, when the world had working responsible politicians, they appointed ward leaders who knew every Body in their neighborhood
You did not need an id
Politicians are lazy oligarchical bums these days
Om Mata Om Kali
Durga Devi Namo Namaha
Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata
He Shakti Kundalini Jagadumbe Mata--
Tina Malia & Shimshai
I actually did suspect for a long time that Trump wouldn’t be able to focus on a thing and then follow up on it. Like a child. He must’ve been easy to distract and fool that way.
I still can’t believe how many “normal” people were able to continue working with him though, and WITH HIM IN CHARGE, and keep their mouths shut and actually stay on board for 4+ years.
Money burns.
I find it easy to pretend
That we're not heading
For our end that's
Why I'm telling you..=="True" lyrics
The Frames
“Every time he talked to the Turks or about Turkey, Trump had the same talking point: how they’d been screwed by Obama. Trump loved to order cabinet secretaries, staff, or whoever else was sitting near him to give this dictator or that whatever it was he wanted. I think he enjoyed seeing his own people squirm when he said things such as “Let’s give it to them. Let’s get it done. Now.” He would generally follow up with said dictator with a casual “If it doesn’t happen, you just call me, you don’t need to call the others, I will take care of it.” I believe he must have thought it made him look tough and powerful. As for us? We generally slow walked or ignored the president and very rarely did exactly what he asked.
Another entertaining aspect of those meetings was that because the president got bored quickly, he would move on to different subjects, often using as a segue “Let’s talk about another subject, that is too unpleasant for me.” Or he’d say, “We can’t talk about trade now. Boring.”
Excerpt From
I'll Take Your Questions Now
Stephanie Grisham
I am waiting for the Further furor
But it does make sense Biden would get rid of the afghan problem as soon as possible then let it die down
Dark clouds
I been seein' dark clouds lately
I'm so tired of seein' dark clouds, baby
But it's them dark clouds that made me--Yung Bleu
I almost changed the channel then became transfixed when the one six committee presented their case
Trump is so guilty
I think trump will be subpoenaed but will die before scotus rules on it
But you couldn't care less
I could move a mountain
Yeah I could part the sea
Yeah I could walk on water=="Couldn't Make You Love Me" lyrics
Wade Bowen
Not sure Who watched, but that Meadows contempt hearing was brutal.
I wonder why everyone keeps asking “why did meadows stop cooperating”
Are they really that stupid they don’t know he stopped cooperating because trump TOLD HIM TO? Man I can’t believe some of these suckers are actually choosing jail, over crossing trump. Desperate, evil men.
In any case, based on some of the text messages they read out loud , January testimonies should be a lot of fun. Minimally I would expect they’ll include dopey congress members like Brooks and Boebert, but also most of Fox News hosts and sounds like probably trump kids will be up soon too.
I think they’ll subpoena trump?
Somethings's happening then I'm indulging
Music is mine, Gucci seats reclined,
Gold grill, a paint job will shine..
Pull up in the park and then pop the trunk
source: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/e/ericbandrakimlyrics/therlyrics.html
Trump also filed a bogus stop counting in Michigan based on they do not have witnesses in the room
Imho, the regulation probably requires having to give so many days notice with specific names
I could be wrong on these guesses, I haven’t heard any legal analysis either way
safe from a rolling sea
there's always been a quiet place
to harbor you and me
Our love is like a ship on the ocean--Rock the Boat,The Hues Corporation
Like more than half the vaccines aren’t really free (govErnment paid) anyway.
Mine weren’t.
They charge your insurance if you have it.


t'll be alright
You're better off just like me

Come back to me, leave behind your troubles in the water
Come up to the shore=="You're Better Off" lyrics
