2024-06-18 03:13:12 UTC
This doesn’t say so specifically, but could they fine the lawyers instead
of trump when he violates the gag order? Lawyers forking over couple dozen
thousands of dollars every time he opens his yap might be more effectively
punitive to all of them, than the relative pennies trump has been fined so
«Trump's status as a former president and Republican presidential
frontrunner complicates matters because it's unlikely a judge would throw
him in jail, but his lawyers could face consequences if their client
violates the gag order and refuses to take down the posts.»
of trump when he violates the gag order? Lawyers forking over couple dozen
thousands of dollars every time he opens his yap might be more effectively
punitive to all of them, than the relative pennies trump has been fined so
«Trump's status as a former president and Republican presidential
frontrunner complicates matters because it's unlikely a judge would throw
him in jail, but his lawyers could face consequences if their client
violates the gag order and refuses to take down the posts.»