housewife here. i am mostly speaking out
(too old to reply)
2024-02-08 13:48:56 UTC
Marianne williamson dropped out yesterday

Why does anyone support her

I have listened to her speeches . She starts out well, then devolves into
conspiracy and appears to support putin

Why do people contribute to her and show up at her appearances

Adjacent to a perennial one-percenter? Ooooh, almost as impressive as
knowing KSorbs
2024-02-08 14:43:19 UTC
Post by Marika
Marianne williamson dropped out yesterday
Why does anyone support her
I have listened to her speeches . She starts out well, then devolves into
conspiracy and appears to support putin
Why do people contribute to her and show up at her appearances
Adjacent to a perennial one-percenter? Ooooh, almost as impressive as
knowing KSorbs
had heard rumblings that there would be outreach to retired judges to serve
as immigration judges.

There have been a number of articles published in the past about proposed
changes in the immigration system as far as legal representation.

They are now giving the immigration claimants their rights to
representation via video.

Three immigration judges commented on the inadvisability of this process.
The third one, Judge Burkhart - I think. I think i might know her

Also btw, my former boss had a stroke and will retire, or may have already.
So are some other former coworkers
