shirt old good boy burger
(too old to reply)
2024-08-05 22:17:34 UTC
Watching Medhi Hasan

My objection was he was not really pro ukraine
At least not at first

Not sure where he is now on it
2024-08-05 22:21:15 UTC
Post by marika
Watching Medhi Hasan
My objection was he was not really pro ukraine
At least not at first
Not sure where he is now on it
Mehdi flushed Vivek.

A while ago I liked Mehdi at first, then watched his show for a while and
decided that he spits too much when he talks (fast) and it got on my
nerves, also his accent grates on me, so then I hated him. But I hate him
less now. Got used to him. And his show is usually some good content.
Certainly better than Andrea Mitchell or Symone.
