Post by M Kfivethousandwhen my sister was working for a bank way before google searches i needed to mail her something and i asked for her address
She said no you figure it out
She wasn’t being mean, she was just amazed because i found her at one of her other jobs without her giving me info
She wanted to see if i could do it again
She said i was a good investigator
all i used to do was pick up the phone - easy enough to get the number through directory assistance - and ask the person who answered for their address
The objections to a Communistic solution do not apply to Socialism in a more modified shape. Historically speaking, Socialism has already shown itself in England in the extension of State interference. It has produced the Factory Laws, and it is now beginning to advance further and interfere directly in the division of produce between the workmen and their employers--Arnold Toynbee
i had a disagreement with someone at work
I think she suspects she's on the list for layoff (her job is so easy to eliminate, its a nonsense job, and she knows it. ) and so she projected that suspicion on as blame upon me. She heard what she wanted to hear.
And then she decided to take one final lunatic swipe at me, for good measure.
The irony of it all is, a few days ago, before layoffs were known, she asked if she could use me as a job reference.
I said yes because I had no animosity towards her at that time.
Now I wouldn't give her a good reference even if I was surrounded by falling asteroids
I am feeling a little less nervous about losing my job now.
Not because I think it won't happen. I still don't know.
But because getting away from these loons might be the best thing for me after all.
Come on, come on let's work together, now now people
Because together we will stand, every boy every girl and a man
Before when things go wrong, as they sometimes will
And the road you travel, it stays all uphill--Let's Work Together
Canned Heat
This is what the meeting was about
I was talking to a lady at work, she reported to me at one department, but turns out she was a little on the lunaticky emotional side, and insisted she needed to get out of my department because i was mean to her. (and also because she felt she was qualified to be a director, which she is not). My boss really wanted me to just fire her because he hates her but my colleague agreed to take her and she has been a " training coordinator"(translation = nothing other than created job) in his department for the past 2 years.
So yesterday we were chatting about the state of the company and what we would do if we were layed off, other stuff like retirement and family stuff, very cordial benign type conversation, most of which was so benign that I can't remember most of it. I do remember specifically being "supportive" though. One thing I do remember though was she kept saying "you know! You know! You know, tell me if I'm on the list!" and I kept repeating that I have no idea who's on it, including myself. The convo seemed such a minor unimportant thing to me, water cooler crap, that I completely forgot about it. She never appeared upset during the entire 5 minutes we talked.
One hour later I get the calendar email from my boss.
I go to his office this morning and he tells me that the woman went to her boss immediately after our convo, she was ENRAGED and crying that " i know who's on the list, she knows its me, and is taunting me about it". Needless to say, my boss ripped me apart this morning. I'm never speaking to anyone at work again.
Thank god Gemball is on tonight, I just wanna relax.
At this rate I may volunteer for the enhanced early severance package myself
[letter to Stark] Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith's in people, I guess.- Steve Rogers:Captain America: Civil War