a and guys
(too old to reply)
2025-01-05 21:45:52 UTC
I was going on and on about a show, telling my sister about a tv show

But she never heard of it

It's really called MEDIUM
(all this time I have been mixing it up with another show Ghost Whisperer
because they both
talk to spirits)

ANd I watched the first three episodes of medium because I love
Patricia Arquette (former wife of Nic Cage) but apparently the show
isn't good enough for me to like it even though I tried.

But I did notice that Tim Roth played her husband,

So merrily for five years or so now I have been staying away from that
show for that reason too, but often wondered how really well he was
doing at getting rid of his British accent

so today I tried to google Ghost whisperer and lo he is not credited
So then I google for his name and find he's not credited with Ghost
Whisperer or any show about ghosts

so then, I run the name Arquette and Lo it turns out IT"S NOT TIM ROTH LOL

but doesn't that actor look just like him
sounds like him too it is creepy

I was watching a White House program on The History Channel

Laura Bush laughs exactly like George
Which I would never have noticed if I didn't notice she laughs
excessively and inappropriately just like him
and so Jon Stewart can do BOTH their voices

Sherlock HOMES is greg HOUSE.
Homes, house

and the vicodin is the same as the seven percent solution
I didn't make that up

the viewers are still trying to figure out who is mycroft and who is
the villain moriarty
at first I thought it was david MORse and if he is he should have come back
but indo not think he did
2025-01-05 23:34:38 UTC
Post by marika
I was going on and on about a show, telling my sister about a tv show
But she never heard of it
It's really called MEDIUM
(all this time I have been mixing it up with another show Ghost Whisperer
because they both
talk to spirits)
ANd I watched the first three episodes of medium because I love
Patricia Arquette (former wife of Nic Cage) but apparently the show
isn't good enough for me to like it even though I tried.
But I did notice that Tim Roth played her husband,
So merrily for five years or so now I have been staying away from that
show for that reason too, but often wondered how really well he was
doing at getting rid of his British accent
so today I tried to google Ghost whisperer and lo he is not credited
So then I google for his name and find he's not credited with Ghost
Whisperer or any show about ghosts
so then, I run the name Arquette and Lo it turns out IT"S NOT TIM ROTH LOL
but doesn't that actor look just like him
sounds like him too it is creepy
I was watching a White House program on The History Channel
Laura Bush laughs exactly like George
Which I would never have noticed if I didn't notice she laughs
excessively and inappropriately just like him
and so Jon Stewart can do BOTH their voices
Sherlock HOMES is greg HOUSE.
Homes, house
and the vicodin is the same as the seven percent solution
I didn't make that up
the viewers are still trying to figure out who is mycroft and who is
the villain moriarty
at first I thought it was david MORse and if he is he should have come back
but indo not think he did
Biden still has two more weeks to go. Technically, he could still do a lot
of administrative and staffer pardons. Jack Smith could REALLY use a
But he won’t.
