2024-09-27 01:34:46 UTC
I listen to sports radio 1hr each way to/from work.
120 minutes, of which 119 were about the green bay/Seattle shkandal one day
a few years ago.
Just when I thought I'd heard enough (people seriously want heads on a
plate, they're not kidding around, somebody's gonna rupture a major blood
vessel over this soon).... One reporter host announcer suddenly says " if
we could forget about the refs and talk about something else about that
game for just ONE minute... Did anyone notice that Rodgers got sacked 8
times in the half? He was humiliated in that game." Finally.
And the day Princess Rodgers and TJ Lang take a knee and refuse to play
(and get fined, turn down their pay check, take a forfeit loss on the game,
lower their career stats by not playing, and get a suspension for breach of
contract)... Is the day putin disappears
120 minutes, of which 119 were about the green bay/Seattle shkandal one day
a few years ago.
Just when I thought I'd heard enough (people seriously want heads on a
plate, they're not kidding around, somebody's gonna rupture a major blood
vessel over this soon).... One reporter host announcer suddenly says " if
we could forget about the refs and talk about something else about that
game for just ONE minute... Did anyone notice that Rodgers got sacked 8
times in the half? He was humiliated in that game." Finally.
And the day Princess Rodgers and TJ Lang take a knee and refuse to play
(and get fined, turn down their pay check, take a forfeit loss on the game,
lower their career stats by not playing, and get a suspension for breach of
contract)... Is the day putin disappears