Post by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandI was surprised by brady poking fun at biden
But laughed at biden response
Biden is so philly
Marty McFly: [following Doc] Whoa. Wait, Doc!
Dr. Emmett Brown: And Jack Benny is secretary of the treasury.
Marty McFly: [outside the lab door] Doc, you gotta listen to me.
Dr. Emmett Brown: [opens the door to the lab] I've had enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, future boy!--Back to the Future
Of course the trump “family unanimously agreed” to hire wolkoff.
They’re at least as important as the MET, only the best for them!
I find it very easy playing Bond. I think he's hilarious. He gets himself into some extraordinarily funny situations.
Daniel Craig
my hairdresser wants to run for city council as gop
Judy Hopps: Hello! I'm here to ask you some questions about a case.
Nick Wilde: Then they should've gotta a real cop to solve it.
Judy Hopps: You are under arrest!
Nick Wilde: [mockingly] For what? Hwurting your fweelings?--Zootopia
i believe all the metoo allegations against trump
but not so much cuomo
His brother Chris says “love you” to EVERY guest on tv, including men, I would imagine their styles might be similar.
I have a really hard time believing the hand up the blouse story too.
But she’s the one who filed the criminal charges, isn’t she?
Will be impossible to prove.
But I really don’t see a too small head on him. huge heads on both trump and cuomo
those egos
The main thing keeping an anvil on Trump's head in terms of job approval all this four years has been women. President Donald Trump does fine among men, but women have never given President Donald Trump high marks, and I can not imagine President Donald Trump did anything tonight that any female viewer who was thinking about supporting President Donald Trump would have appreciated.--Scott Jennings
What’s marjorie taylor greene gonna do in winter when she needs tops with sleeves?
Luigi: Aah! Guido! There is a real Michael Schumacher Ferrari in my store! A real Ferrari! Punch me, Guido! Punch me in the face! This is the most glorious day of my life!
[Luigi faints and tips over]
Michael Schumacher Ferrari: Wow.--Cars
bidens. bipinnata
lovely plant
Voice: [as Lightning stands in front of the silent crowd] Freebird!--Cars
Just wanted you to know, it takes ten days or more to get stamps from the post office. screw dejoy
They are overwhelmed with internet requests.
I used to watch watch the news because I wanted to catch Cuomo, who gave the most informative briefings at the time. Important, because Pennsylvania and New jersey joined with New york to create a regional Covid reopen work group. since i lived there then it was useful information
I also watched It to get Trump version, which was always insane. However, need to watch it because I need to be aware of status. I also am fascinated to stay abreast of the economic news. Still, when not watching, I have caught up on some things I always wanted to see. With mama and pets, there were always so many interruptions, and I could never sit down for two hours to watch anything other than news. I just watched the First Ladies Detectives Agency. Very entertaining, and the star has a very convincing Botswana accent, even tho she is a Philly native.
The one press conference that makes me crazy is the Montgomery county one. It had been very informative, but it always preempts General Hospital. , the local news station cut away just as Dr. Arkoosh started telling us something important. We were on total lockdown. for a long time
Pa. thought it would be relaxing its lockdown by May 6, 2020 but it took a whole nother month. the courthouse remained locked down t. I would be doing the same if I were the Register of Wills. If anyone is carrying all manner of viruses, it would be the relatives of the recently deceased.
Otherwise, the house needs a lot of tidying. This gives me some exercise and I do some in the evening. Our street is on the trail, but the traffic has not died down, and there are no sidewalks, so I do not take advantage of the trail. Plus, it has been rainy and chilly, which is also discouraging.
I hate tidying this place but it has to be done. Every time I pick up something, it is full of memories. For example, there are a lot of things that remind me of my grandfather. We have a lot of his notebooks, some of which are the original drafts of books he wrote. There is also a good deal of memorabilia from my dad’s business. The other day, I opened a drawer, and found an old ibm computer and volumes of lessons on Basic computer language. I think Tato tried to learn computers when he retired. It is so out of date, it has to be thrown away, but still....
As far as my sisters, they are ok. I discouraged them from coming to see me during covid. The orders were strict. They said they were ticketing. I did not think it was worth the effort. the other sister visits on weekends, but only if we have bills or other papers to pick up. She carries a letter from her employer that shows she is not expendable.
So, we are ok. these days, I have time to write, lol.
Sonny: Whoa, now, you're telling me that the Tattaglias guarantee our investment without...?
Don Corleone: Wait a minute.
[the Don gives his son a cold stare, freezing Santino into silence. The others fidget with embarrassment at this outbreak, but Sollozzo looks slyly satisfied...]--The Godfather