I'm going to spend the day with grandkids. One has a doctor's appointment this morning so he won't be going to kindergarten today and the other isn't 3 yet so she's still at home. I love them so I'm looking forward to it
My heart bleeds for Ukraine. It's amazing how humanity hasn't found humane ways of dealing with each other.
I wanted to send a blue and a yellow flower, but there’s nothing in “true blue” that would survive temperatures, or even indoors. So I settled for lavender.
Both are indoor plants, no need to take out to patio. But if they do go out to the patio, put in shade, not in direct sunlight. Though I think the yellow one would do ok in some sunlight, the lavender one no.
Best place for them to live is a bright window (east exposure is best, west is worst) but not in blaring direct sun, it will burn the leaves.
So in other words, morning sun exposure is better than afternoon sun.
Under a fluorescent lamp is good too, especially in winter, but regular window is fine too.
Important to give them at least 8hrs overnight dark, don’t leave them in a lit room overnight, will negatively impact blooming cycle..
So i can read up more on their care:
Yellow = kalanchoe (a succulent!!)
Lavender = African violet
I am not to water them (yet) I just watered them before shipment.
Stick my finger under a leaf, feel the soil, that is the wettest they should ever be.
I had them here for 2 weeks before I sent them , and watered them once per week during that time. That seemed adequate, though you might need twice per week in a hotter summer general weather (and interior).
They both came from a 70 degree nursery.
I literally had to run a heater at 70 degrees here for them in my spare room, because my house is only 52 degrees and that’s too cold for them.
that was a real hassle because I had to keep the room door closed to retain the heat, and my TV is in that room so I couldn’t watch tv for 2 weeks. Which is why I sent it to you early, I couldn’t take it anymore.
But the REAL saga was “how to pack these for shipping”
I am not kidding you that I spent every night for the past 2 weeks “seeing it in my dreams” I am so glad to be done with them, I was literally losing sleep going over different design ideas in my head.
I didn’t want to buy and ship direct from a grower because I wanted to see the plants for myself. And, $ rip-off anyway.
So here is the real kicker. I had planned to ship them as “overnight”
You would not believe how much that costs now: TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS.
Just for that not-heavy box.
The 2 day ship was 20bucks.
I got an osmanthus shrub shipped to me last year, from California, the box was twice as big and weighed probably 20lbs. Cost was 100bucks last year. Much farther away, much bigger and heavier package.
So I asked the guy why so expensive. GAS PRICES, he says.
Ten times more expensive to fly, then to drive. INSANE.
Or be a warrior chummin'
And a strummin' lullabies?
Well, you allcome out, come out, my dears
To Lavender County
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