insulated top to defend
(too old to reply)
2024-09-27 01:04:11 UTC
I don't know why tato thought my sister was staying w me. He might have
got mixed up because my friend from Roanoke, stayed here while I was in
Montgomery for like a day.

yea I will leave the condo with no furniture. I barely have furniture at
this point. So there genuinely isn't much of anything to leave here

Ways and Means is an auditorium or hall within Longworth

I think it is Congress not Senate

I "think" I heard them say my ceremony was from 9 am to noon. I don't know
how much of the period is photo opps. Or whether it will be after noon.

I do know that there is a vaguely planned presentation by some congressman,
some stuff by the commissioner and the deputy. something from the chief
judge. Also some sort of musical performances I think. It will all be
filmed too
2024-09-27 01:07:09 UTC
Post by marika
I don't know why tato thought my sister was staying w me. He might have
got mixed up because my friend from Roanoke, stayed here while I was in
Montgomery for like a day.
yea I will leave the condo with no furniture. I barely have furniture at
this point. So there genuinely isn't much of anything to leave here
Ways and Means is an auditorium or hall within Longworth
I think it is Congress not Senate
I "think" I heard them say my ceremony was from 9 am to noon. I don't know
how much of the period is photo opps. Or whether it will be after noon.
I do know that there is a vaguely planned presentation by some congressman,
some stuff by the commissioner and the deputy. something from the chief
judge. Also some sort of musical performances I think. It will all be
filmed too
IIt's hard to navigate the bedroom and all I have is a full size, not even
a queen. It' hard to get around it.

As far as the market, no, this area is overbuilt. The only recent
comparables are LISTED at between 30-50k less than what I bought it for.

The market only improved if you are looking for people who have to sell who
dropped their price.

I have to wait til the new president hires those new federal employees
they keep talking about, plus they are building Virginia Tech science
center and a few things else around here. I think next year will make the
market here better especially since I am 2 blocks from a metro stop and bus

Locality pay is kind of weird. They pay you more if you live in more
expensive areas. So if you live in places like DC, NY, SF and similar
cities, you get a percentage on top of your regular salary

If you live in a smaller city like say Philadelphia you get a locality pay
but not as much as the larger more expensive cities.

If you live in Alabama, you get straight salary

They already changed my salary because I officially started living there 2
weeks ago. Right now, I am in training status. They asked me to live in
my apartment, rather than the hotel where everyone else is
2024-09-27 01:13:44 UTC
Post by marika
Post by marika
I don't know why tato thought my sister was staying w me. He might have
got mixed up because my friend from Roanoke, stayed here while I was in
Montgomery for like a day.
yea I will leave the condo with no furniture. I barely have furniture at
this point. So there genuinely isn't much of anything to leave here
Ways and Means is an auditorium or hall within Longworth
I think it is Congress not Senate
I "think" I heard them say my ceremony was from 9 am to noon. I don't know
how much of the period is photo opps. Or whether it will be after noon.
I do know that there is a vaguely planned presentation by some congressman,
some stuff by the commissioner and the deputy. something from the chief
judge. Also some sort of musical performances I think. It will all be
filmed too
IIt's hard to navigate the bedroom and all I have is a full size, not even
a queen. It' hard to get around it.
As far as the market, no, this area is overbuilt. The only recent
comparables are LISTED at between 30-50k less than what I bought it for.
The market only improved if you are looking for people who have to sell who
dropped their price.
I have to wait til the new president hires those new federal employees
they keep talking about, plus they are building Virginia Tech science
center and a few things else around here. I think next year will make the
market here better especially since I am 2 blocks from a metro stop and bus
Locality pay is kind of weird. They pay you more if you live in more
expensive areas. So if you live in places like DC, NY, SF and similar
cities, you get a percentage on top of your regular salary
If you live in a smaller city like say Philadelphia you get a locality pay
but not as much as the larger more expensive cities.
If you live in Alabama, you get straight salary
They already changed my salary because I officially started living there 2
weeks ago. Right now, I am in training status. They asked me to live in
my apartment, rather than the hotel where everyone else is
Tato agreed with me, that for my aunt it's all about her

He agreed with me that she had this fantasy about her being the center of
attention, my being sworn in, her presenting and being introduced at the
swearing in as the lady who raised me

so i call her up

she invites herself over my place to help me pack

transparent. Since this is the second time i have told her that the
relocation company does all the packing. reacting as if she has heard it
for the first time, I remind her that I don't have ANY room in my one
bedroom condo for guests (for the millionth time)

o i could stay at a hotel she says

so I ask her how she thinks that with all her hernias and stuff she will
bend over to help me do any packing.

o well that's true (never mind the blocks she would have to walk to my
apartment from a hotel and I am at work not able to entertain her)

so i remind her that I don't need a gift because we don't use one at work

(i know what's coming next)

I don't care I am buying you one anyway, it's one of the trappings of

(I sigh)

she continues: I am going to put your name on it (they must be charging
per letter)

So then I ask her, whether she has thought about what it will take to come
to DC

I will come by train, I was going to call a travel agent. I asked her when
the last time was that she took amtrak. Does she remember having to climb
aboard the train. OMG she answers, you are right, you have to climb those
steep ladders. Yeah I say. She suddenly remembers having to climb into a
van with a ladder like that, and remembers that they had to lift and shove
her butt in to the cab. I say, yeah that's what it'll be like.

can you walk all these distances, to and from the train, to and from the
Senate building. It's not a big shopping mall with handicapped spaces (and
a cvs where you can pretend to dart in when the company gets boring for

omg yeah she realizes.
Then I remind her that she has to sit for 3 hours on the train and 2 more
or so during the ceremony..

Three hours, she asks, that's not possible.
I said, well yeah, if you want to travel from Trenton like you said.
Impossibleshe says

no possible, don't you have any idea how early you have to leave your house
to get to Trenton to get to dc for 8. 8 because you still have to take a
cab to Longworth and walk to it from the cab and then get through security.
No she says

Think about it, I said. If it takes 3 hours then you have to get a 5 am
train. It will take you at least half an hour to get to Trenton probably
longer. That means you have to get up at about 3 am

At this point, she admits she was only imagining being there. Not what she
had to do get there.

Anyway, i call back tato to tell him that I wanted to stop the back and
forth fantasy about coming to dc. Otherwise she would drag it out and then
say no at the last minute. and make everyone crazy

In talking with tato, I realized he had some sort of idea that my sister
would be staying at my apartment. I told him no, you would not.
all 3 of us could not fit in here.

I think he may still be fixated on leaving Friday morning.
