Post by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M Kfivethousandmy wintertime doldrums/laziness will no doubt throw a monkey wrench into any fitness goals.
I’m getting ready to try and pull out weeds from my last years flower garden so I can be ready for next spring planting.
On a whole different note, what a wonderful surprise met me on my porch bench this morning. Two delicious looking fruit pies that we can’t wait to cut into (and would have already had we not just eaten such a big breakfast). . It really made the Summer for me! I’m sure we will be devouring those beautiful pies forthwith!
This is Holy Moment
When God Walks in on us
Every Gaze is on
The Lion and the Lamb==Dunsin Oyekan
I spent no less than 2 hours today looking for an acceptable dog treat that I can carry in my pockets in the morning, to offer to some of my neighborhood doggie pals.
First, finding treats that are not too big or too small, and have no added crap (dyes, propylene glycol, preservatives) just FOOD ingredients in them is only half the battle.
The other half is if you manage to find them, the price is obscene.
I ended up getting some for $7/lb I chose them because they’re sold from bulk buckets, so I only got a few as a “trial” in case the dogs don’t like them.
I hope their owners let me give them to their pups, because what the hell am I gonna do with them otherwise?
The Name above all names
Sweet Jesus,
It’s You and nobody else
Sweet Jesus--SWEET JESUS Lyrics by CROWDER ft Maverick City
And 10kg (20lbs) monkeys could literally bend solid stainless steel rods (slightly thicker than diameter of a pencil) with their bare hands.
a she-angel who is ushering me toward a splendid future and paving for me the path to intellectual and financial success.The day will come when I shall be able to say, ‘I became an artist through Mary Haskell.==Kahlil Gibran
I stopped at an ATM this morning and there was a guy walking a really cute German shepherd puppy on a leash in the parking lot. He was about 70yr old and kind of odd-ball eccentric looking, wearing big thick plastic glasses, a bead necklace… sort of like an old hippie. I don’t usually stop to talk with oddballs, but the dog was so damned cute, I couldn’t resist.
I tell him I’m a veterinarian and he says “oh then I have a surprise for you, walk over here to my car” (and I’m thinking, do you have “candy” for kids in your car?”?)
He opens the car door and OH MY GOD THE CUTEST PUPPY IN THE WORLD is sitting in the driver’s seat. She looked like a tiny little muppet mophead, probably weighed about only 2lbs.
I pick her up out of the car to play with her, and he starts to rant at me (loud shouty voice, but still friendly) something about how he retired 10yrs ago but became rich since then because of [some financial thing he did that I didn’t really listen to because I was so besotted with the puppies at the time]. Then something about how I should follow him on instagram for his financial secrets. He repeated his name like 10 times and now I can’t remember it, . That was when I started to feel like he was gonna try to sell me something, so I started to leave. Then the rant starts to get louder, much of it I can’t remember, but I heard one specific sentence: “AND WE HAVE ENOUGH MONEY NOW TO SAVE TRUMP” and that’s when I knew it was time to get out of there. I told him I was late for something and started to walk away and he yelled [his name + Instagram] at me a half dozen more times, followed by “AND WE’RE GONNA FUCK UP ALL THE DEMOCRATS”
Those were 2 of the most adorable dogs I’ve ever seen, but
Dear God please don’t let me see him again.
I’m standing at your door
My heart is calling yours
Come fall into my arms
You’re weary from it all==Dancing On The Waves – by We The Kingdom
I wonder What it was responsible for the clouds of honey wafting over our house in 2018
Only in Charles’s company, he deviated from his Quaker discipline and took the occasional cheerful drink, smoked the occasional cigarette, went to the theater and the newborn cinema.
Charles eventually took a mathematics post and spiraled into mental illness.==MARIA POPOVA on