I’m not worried
(too old to reply)
m syadoz
2019-05-29 02:44:10 UTC
who is that oompa loompa guy dressed as Qaddafi

Can’t remember his name

He is the Mighty King
Master of everything
His Name is Wonderful
Jesus My Lord
2019-05-29 02:52:03 UTC
Post by m syadoz
who is that oompa loompa guy dressed as Qaddafi
Can’t remember his name
He is the Mighty King
Master of everything
His Name is Wonderful
Jesus My Lord
Ma fell today

It was just around the time holly came to feed the chickens. I had just
gotten over the flu so I couldn’t do it myself

We got Ma up, holly lifted her

Here’s some stuff about equal employment


Here’s the jersey one

In pennsylvania at least at one time you could choose either, the state
agency, or federal, not both

Again the sudden poor after 18 years is like screaming bleeding de facto
age discrimination, easing someone in their sixties out

They also have to show they tried to correct you, and gave you chance to
repair the problem


Because their songs start early, perched in the bushes and tree outside my
bedroom window. Even more, I like to think that the birds are announcing
spring’s arrival, just as regal trumpets would announce the arrival of
royalty. —tilly
m syadoz
2019-05-29 02:59:51 UTC
so far so good
i went out tonite no food in house i always normally go saturday with the uncoolest people in office, old decrepit etc

Perfect for discrimination complaints

but at least i got out and chilled some

i think this rehabilitation will be fine
i told one of the dining companions a hundred times it was short term and now i think he may believe it

When I spoke about Bond with Fleming, he said that when the character was conceived, Bond was a very simple, straightforward, blunt instrument of the police force, a functionary who would carry out his job rather doggedly. But he also had a lot of idiosyncrasies that were considered snobbish -- such as a taste for special wines, et cetera. But if you take Bond in the situations that he is constantly involved with, you see that it is a very hard, high, unusual league that he plays in.
PLAYBOY interview November 1965. Sean Connery
