M Kfivethousand
2021-05-21 21:43:45 UTC
the catbirds usually do not show up til after easter
I remember last year i waited for them all april
Then a friend came over to get loot
It was maybe, may seven
Anyway she looked out our front door and said
O my look two catbirds
And sure enough they were building their nest and suddenly they were all over our yard
Probably five couples
Then they all had babies several times so i had a population explosion
Then later that summer, clown posse starlings
I read an article last week that said catbirds rarely are seen until nesting because they do not need to hunt for food as much before that, and until they have their babies, they stay very hidden in thicket
Incidentally at least two people in a thread I read complained their catbirds live under the bedroom window and they hate them because they will not shut up
Overwhelming majority love their song
To stepping stones. Growing pains.
The Bluest skies come After the rain.
Even though I didn’t wanna let you go,
Sometimes you have to celebrate after surviving hurricanes,--CHAMPAGNE
Written by Erica Sunshine Lee
I remember last year i waited for them all april
Then a friend came over to get loot
It was maybe, may seven
Anyway she looked out our front door and said
O my look two catbirds
And sure enough they were building their nest and suddenly they were all over our yard
Probably five couples
Then they all had babies several times so i had a population explosion
Then later that summer, clown posse starlings
I read an article last week that said catbirds rarely are seen until nesting because they do not need to hunt for food as much before that, and until they have their babies, they stay very hidden in thicket
Incidentally at least two people in a thread I read complained their catbirds live under the bedroom window and they hate them because they will not shut up
Overwhelming majority love their song
To stepping stones. Growing pains.
The Bluest skies come After the rain.
Even though I didn’t wanna let you go,
Sometimes you have to celebrate after surviving hurricanes,--CHAMPAGNE
Written by Erica Sunshine Lee