2024-07-28 03:18:03 UTC
I always wonder whenever I see posts about JD Vance poverty growing up…what
to believe?
I mean, think about it… I have no idea what my father’s salary ever was,
but same kind of claims (both extremes) could be made about us.
We didn’t grow up in the heart of the ghetto, but we were darn close, just
like Vance didn’t grow up in the heart of Appalachia. Close, but not in the
heart of it.
Our house was 4 bedrooms too (6 if you count the third floor) and looked
pretty un-poor from the outside. The neighborhood was nice back then.
We didn’t take golf lessons, but we regularly went skiing, ice skating, and
camping, month long summer camps (as bad as they were, I’m sure they
weren’t cheap), had a above ground pool in the backyard, and went to
private school for 12 years each.
All that makes us sound pretty not-poor, don’t you think?
I really think almost anything can be framed and presented to achieve an
agenda, on either end of the spectrum. I should write a book, too.
The only really big difference between us and Vance is that our mother
didn’t throw it all away by being a drug addict who married 3 times and had
to ship her kids away to grandparents.
Oh, and none of us ever got a free ride at a prestigious graduate school.
to believe?
I mean, think about it… I have no idea what my father’s salary ever was,
but same kind of claims (both extremes) could be made about us.
We didn’t grow up in the heart of the ghetto, but we were darn close, just
like Vance didn’t grow up in the heart of Appalachia. Close, but not in the
heart of it.
Our house was 4 bedrooms too (6 if you count the third floor) and looked
pretty un-poor from the outside. The neighborhood was nice back then.
We didn’t take golf lessons, but we regularly went skiing, ice skating, and
camping, month long summer camps (as bad as they were, I’m sure they
weren’t cheap), had a above ground pool in the backyard, and went to
private school for 12 years each.
All that makes us sound pretty not-poor, don’t you think?
I really think almost anything can be framed and presented to achieve an
agenda, on either end of the spectrum. I should write a book, too.
The only really big difference between us and Vance is that our mother
didn’t throw it all away by being a drug addict who married 3 times and had
to ship her kids away to grandparents.
Oh, and none of us ever got a free ride at a prestigious graduate school.