This ledge on the front door of our new-old house. Does it serve
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M Kfivethousand
2021-04-28 23:39:33 UTC
I did not specifically hurt my arm

I hurt some muscle between my hip and ribs
It is spasming, so cannot comfortably walk, but it also impacts my ability to lift over a certain level

There are bars for the bathroom
They look the same as the ones in the shower

I can lift ma easier with my left arm but Its not as powerful
Of note she can stand on her own if she is made to
Im more useful to keep her from stumbling when she stands

Naproxen isnt helping


DDA Belinda Fox: Respectively, Your Honor, the people disagree. Mr. Becker has financial means and the connections to leave this country quickly and quietly. We ask that he be held without bail.

Ann Kelsey: Ask the counsel, explained her reference to financial means and connections, Your Honor.--L.A. Law (TV Series)
Whistle Stop
M Kfivethousand
2021-04-28 23:40:21 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
I did not specifically hurt my arm
I hurt some muscle between my hip and ribs
It is spasming, so cannot comfortably walk, but it also impacts my ability to lift over a certain level
There are bars for the bathroom
They look the same as the ones in the shower
I can lift ma easier with my left arm but Its not as powerful
Of note she can stand on her own if she is made to
Im more useful to keep her from stumbling when she stands
Naproxen isnt helping
Our bigger problem is she has dementia and sometimes scrambles off to the bathroom without calling me, diaper would not help
Post by M Kfivethousand
DDA Belinda Fox: Respectively, Your Honor, the people disagree. Mr. Becker has financial means and the connections to leave this country quickly and quietly. We ask that he be held without bail.
Ann Kelsey: Ask the counsel, explained her reference to financial means and connections, Your Honor.--L.A. Law (TV Series)
Whistle Stop