2024-12-17 16:34:18 UTC
From an AFLDS newsletter
1. COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
2. The W.H.O. caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.
3. Six-foot social distancing was arbitrary and not based on science.
4. There was no evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID.
5. The COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.
6. The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine.
7. Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and did more harm than good.
8. The “science” never justified prolonged school closures.
I guess the Democrats lied to We the People again.
Well, at least podiatrist chairman Wenstrup got a junk job that keeps him1. COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
2. The W.H.O. caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.
3. Six-foot social distancing was arbitrary and not based on science.
4. There was no evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID.
5. The COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.
6. The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine.
7. Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and did more harm than good.
8. The “science” never justified prolonged school closures.
I guess the Democrats lied to We the People again.
away from us, mostly.