with 3M less
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M Kfivethousand
2021-01-20 02:46:33 UTC
this is how I understand it and why the government is having so much trouble with their antitrust suits

Google, Facebook and twitter all patented

Not easy to create from scratch

Google has been doing it since 1999 or so, and ended up scrapping a few of these media platforms for being difficult to use

One was called Irkutsk

The other was google plus

nEver caught on

Another is YouTube which caught on but is heavily policed

The other one they bought from deja news

It is now called google groups, but it is just an interface with the part of the internet called Usenet

There are no rules there but the google interface has a few, minimal ones, like no cross posting.

Otherwise it is still the Wild West
And has only very few users still

Parscale is a scum thief, not a genius

What he and trump want is a twitter they can monetize

They would gladly pay for the software

Right now twitter is free but for ads

There is just no market for trump only tweets you have to pay for

Even less market value after he is out of office

No one will care what he thinks or says afterwards

And before he became president no one would have paid good money to follow his twitter war with Rosie

That is basically what his feed will look like in 2021

No cash value

no one will pay for gab or parler tweets either, tho i did notice gab has an ad free for fee service

also trump long ago fired parscale

this multimedia empire he wants does not seem feasible


I didn’t know when he called me that he’d made up nearly all of the bizarre and amazing stories, that he was the perpetrator of probably the most elaborate fraud in journalistic history, that he would soon become famous on a whole new scale.--Stephen Glass, leading on the phone to protect him from Charles Lane to an anonymous person
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-23 01:03:46 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
this is how I understand it and why the government is having so much trouble with their antitrust suits
Google, Facebook and twitter all patented
Not easy to create from scratch
Google has been doing it since 1999 or so, and ended up scrapping a few of these media platforms for being difficult to use
One was called Irkutsk
The other was google plus
nEver caught on
Another is YouTube which caught on but is heavily policed
The other one they bought from deja news
It is now called google groups, but it is just an interface with the part of the internet called Usenet
There are no rules there but the google interface has a few, minimal ones, like no cross posting.
Otherwise it is still the Wild West
And has only very few users still
Parscale is a scum thief, not a genius
What he and trump want is a twitter they can monetize
They would gladly pay for the software
Right now twitter is free but for ads
There is just no market for trump only tweets you have to pay for
Even less market value after he is out of office
No one will care what he thinks or says afterwards
And before he became president no one would have paid good money to follow his twitter war with Rosie
That is basically what his feed will look like in 2021
No cash value
no one will pay for gab or parler tweets either, tho i did notice gab has an ad free for fee service
also trump long ago fired parscale
this multimedia empire he wants does not seem feasible
I didn’t know when he called me that he’d made up nearly all of the bizarre and amazing stories, that he was the perpetrator of probably the most elaborate fraud in journalistic history, that he would soon become famous on a whole new scale.--Stephen Glass, leading on the phone to protect him from Charles Lane to an anonymous person
“According to volume 1, section 5 of the Mueller Report, conversations about the Clinton emails were taking place at the highest level of the campaign; among those involved were Trump, Manafort, Gates, and Cohen. But the actions of the campaign took place at multiple levels. Jerome Corsi, Ted Malloch, and other representatives of the campaign sought to coax WikiLeaks into further releases to damage Clinton in the homestretch of the campaign. (Roger Stone, whose trial was pending at the time of the release of the Mueller Report, was part of this effort, as we know from other sources.). When on October 7, 2016, the Access Hollywood video was released, revealing offensive comments Trump made about his predatory behavior toward women, it was followed within an hour by another dump of Podesta emails as a distraction.”

Excerpt From
David Rothkopf
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-23 22:14:35 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
this is how I understand it and why the government is having so much trouble with their antitrust suits
Google, Facebook and twitter all patented
Not easy to create from scratch
Google has been doing it since 1999 or so, and ended up scrapping a few of these media platforms for being difficult to use
One was called Irkutsk
The other was google plus
nEver caught on
Another is YouTube which caught on but is heavily policed
The other one they bought from deja news
It is now called google groups, but it is just an interface with the part of the internet called Usenet
There are no rules there but the google interface has a few, minimal ones, like no cross posting.
Otherwise it is still the Wild West
And has only very few users still
Parscale is a scum thief, not a genius
What he and trump want is a twitter they can monetize
They would gladly pay for the software
Right now twitter is free but for ads
There is just no market for trump only tweets you have to pay for
Even less market value after he is out of office
No one will care what he thinks or says afterwards
And before he became president no one would have paid good money to follow his twitter war with Rosie
That is basically what his feed will look like in 2021
No cash value
no one will pay for gab or parler tweets either, tho i did notice gab has an ad free for fee service
also trump long ago fired parscale
this multimedia empire he wants does not seem feasible
I didn’t know when he called me that he’d made up nearly all of the bizarre and amazing stories, that he was the perpetrator of probably the most elaborate fraud in journalistic history, that he would soon become famous on a whole new scale.--Stephen Glass, leading on the phone to protect him from Charles Lane to an anonymous person
“According to volume 1, section 5 of the Mueller Report, conversations about the Clinton emails were taking place at the highest level of the campaign; among those involved were Trump, Manafort, Gates, and Cohen. But the actions of the campaign took place at multiple levels. Jerome Corsi, Ted Malloch, and other representatives of the campaign sought to coax WikiLeaks into further releases to damage Clinton in the homestretch of the campaign. (Roger Stone, whose trial was pending at the time of the release of the Mueller Report, was part of this effort, as we know from other sources.). When on October 7, 2016, the Access Hollywood video was released, revealing offensive comments Trump made about his predatory behavior toward women, it was followed within an hour by another dump of Podesta emails as a distraction.”
Excerpt From
David Rothkopf
Secretary Backfat Pompeo has been in the news all week trying to heal his image, but he has always been incompetent

“Mnuchin was a minority of one, so I said we would send Trump a split-decision memo; everyone should get their arguments in quickly because we were moving fast. Pence had earlier offered to call Guaidó to express our support, which, after hearing Mnuchin, I thought was a good idea. The call went well, increasing the urgency that America react with something more than just rhetoric praising Venezuela’s National Assembly. Nonetheless, Mnuchin kept up his campaign for doing nothing; Pompeo told me he had had a thirty-minute call with Mnuchin on Thursday and had counterproposed doing the sanctions in slices. I responded that we had a shot to overthrow Maduro now, and it might be a long, long time before we had another one as good. Half measures weren’t going to cut it. Pompeo agreed we didn’t want to replicate Obama in 2009, watching pro-democracy protests in Iran suppressed while the US did nothing. That sounded like Pompeo was moving in the right direction. Even the Organization of American States, long one of the most moribund international organizations (and that’s saying something), was roused to help Guaidó, as a growing number of Latin American countries stood up[…]”

Excerpt From
The Room Where It Happened
John Bolton
