(too old to reply)
m syadoz
2019-09-12 17:27:45 UTC
Eyes wide shut

In 1986, I saw a very different kind of protest. A peaceful group of nuns, holding rosaries and placards outside an art movie house in Beverly Hills, protesting against Jean-Luc Godard's attempt to humanize the Virgin Mary in Je Vous Salue, Marie (or Hail Mary). —aseem chhabra
2019-09-12 18:10:13 UTC
Post by m syadoz
Eyes wide shut
This is the speech that a us president should give, no one even knows who
this is


As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding
contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also
stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of
countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on
the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a
global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to
join us in this effort—president of brazil
Post by m syadoz
In 1986, I saw a very different kind of protest. A peaceful group of
nuns, holding rosaries and placards outside an art movie house in Beverly
Hills, protesting against Jean-Luc Godard's attempt to humanize the
Virgin Mary in Je Vous Salue, Marie (or Hail Mary). —aseem chhabra
m syadoz
2019-09-12 18:19:13 UTC
Might have!

Do you remember when you actually wrote to Straczynski and he actually personally answered you.
He used to hang out at the compuserve forums, when compuserve was not aol.

Similarly, I just found Homer Hickam just this month. He hangs out at the Tom Clancy groups.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Homer Hickam <***@hiwaay.net>
Date: Jun 23, 8:32 am
Subject: Suggestion for alternative discussion topic
To: alt.books.tom-clancy
<sounds of crickets chirping in the background>
Well, so much for that idea.
<Breaks out the Mount Gay Rum and Diet Coke>
So how have you been, Homer?
Nyssa, who thinks everyone else in abtc must be at the
It's all good here, Nyssa. Just wrapping up The Far Reaches book
tour, as mentioned. TFR is selling out everywhere so even if we don't
get any interest here, I'm gratified that the novel is being so well

Next up for me is a novel titled Red Helmet which is not a "Josh
Thurlow." It is a romantic (although filled with adventure, of
course) novel set in today's West Virginia coalfields. Go here to see
the two covers which we just had our fans vote on. The one on the
left won: http://www.homerhickam.com/vote.htm

Then, I am going to co-author Anousheh Ansari's memoirs. Anousheh is
the Iranian-American woman who funded Burt Rutan's X-Prize, then paid
the Russians 22 million to fly her up to the Space Station. I don't
usually write anything space-themed any more (I'm so over that) but I
made a special case for Anousheh who is a fascinating, beautiful woman
(seewww.anoushehansari.com ).

I'm headed back to Montana in July to continue my hunt for Cretaceous
dinosaurs. I have credit now for two T.Rexes of the 34 or so ever
found. I enjoy my time out in Hell Creek, which is aptly named.

After that, I'll be in Coalwood, West Virginia, for the annual October
Sky Festival on Oct. 6 which will celebrate my memoir Rocket Boys plus
the 50th anniversary of Sputnik. Go here for more: http://www.homerhickam.com/coalwood/

I'll be scuba diving at my "other" home in St. John, US Virgin Islands
soon. Love that place. Go here and yes, we do rent it:http://www.bookitvi.com/skyridge4.htm

What else, what else... Well, sign up for our newsletters onwww.homerhickam.comor read the others by going here:http://www.homerhickam.com/cgi-bin/included/newsletters.cgi

They will get you completely caught up!

Anyway, it's all good. Thanks for trying to get the group off the
dime. It is summer, after all, and folks are out and about and that's


Homer (who is quick to join you with some that fine "Josh Thurlow"
Mount Gay rum)
