M Kfivethousand
2021-11-25 18:13:50 UTC
“Now the vibration enters the fatty organ that gives sonar-enabled whales and dolphins that high, rounded outer forehead. Aptly called the melon in dolphins, this organ uses lipids of different densities as sound lenses. The energy travels through the oil-filled “spermaceti” organ that is most of the upper part of this whale’s head. It reflects off an air sac immediately in front of the great bony dishlike front of the whale’s skull. The sound then passes through a series of acoustic lenses in the lower half of the whale’s vast bulb of a head, which is a gigantic sound-amplifying system. This series of reflections and focusings of the vibrational energy amplifies and sharpens the click. (Whale hunters, wholly ignorant of any of this and unable to find much profit in these astonishing sound-amplifying lenses, called this anatomical region “the junk.”) What emits through the skin at the forefront of the whale’s head is a weapon of sound. These are sharp broadband clicks with energy between 5 and 25 kilohertz.”
Excerpt From
Becoming Wild
Carl Safina
Excerpt From
Becoming Wild
Carl Safina