as time out - when tip you give when you eat out
(too old to reply)
M Kfivethousand
2023-05-16 01:58:33 UTC
Forget the dog,
chicken is man's
best friend

By Richard Blunt

The domestic chicken, or Gallus domesticus as the Romans called it,
has lived with humans for centuries. It is probably the descendent of
a wild asian bird, and historians have found references to its
domestic descendant in the art and literature of India, China, and
southeast Asia as early as 3000 BC. Egyptians were managing large
flocks of chickens by the Second Dynasty (2890 to 2680 BC), but for
some reason did not record much about their accomplishments in the
breeding and keeping of chickens. Greek writings, however, describe
how Egyptians designed and built clay incubators with the capacity to
incubate and brood 10,000 to 15,000 chicks at a time. Incubators with
greater capacity have only existed in this country and western Europe
for about 80 years.

It was sometime before the sixth century BC that the Egyptians and the
Persians introduced the wonders of domesticated chickens to the
Greeks. The Persians shared their talent for breeding Malayan and
Indian jungle fowl, which were used primarily for cock fighting, while
the Egyptians taught the Greeks how to successfully develop and
maintain breeds for the production of eggs and meat. For the next 200
years, chickens became an indispensable element in Greek life. At
first they were used primarily in religious ceremonies, folk medicine,
and the popular sport of cock fighting. But by the third century BC,
breeding chickens for egg laying and meat production had become a
priority in Greek civilization.

The Greeks passed their knowledge of the chicken on to the Romans. It
was in Rome that the chicken truly reached its apotheosis. There, it
became a sacred bird, often used as the central figure of various
methods of divination, apothecary, and as a serious subject for
philosophical inquiry. In Rome, fighting cocks were trained like
gladiators. They were fed garlic before they fought in the belief that
it would increase their courage and ferocity. The Romans also believed
that garlic had the same effect on men. The writings of Roman
naturalists and philosophers elevated the chicken to an exalted
position in urban civilization. They skillfully molded it into a
genuine object of scientific scrutiny and philosophical inquiry. No
longer would the chicken be a taken-for-granted resident of the
barnyard or cockpit.

The chicken has always meant much more to people than a cheap meal.
The cock, or rooster as we now call it, has long been respected,
especially for its ferocity as a fighter. In ancient Syria, Borneo,
and Sumatra the fighting cock was worshiped as a god—an exalted status
that usually saved it from becoming Sunday dinner. There was even a
time in ancient Greece when cock fighting was considered a national
sport. The Romans viewed the cock as a noble gladiator, and the cock
fight was a solemn ceremony that reinforced their belief that men
should be brave—imitators of the cock.

Cockfighting came to its greatest secular popularity and refinement in
late medieval England. The Church made vigorous efforts to repress it
but only succeeded in driving it underground. As a compromise with the
people, the Church did finally sanction organized cockfighting events
on special days, such as Shrove Tuesday. One very popular Shrove
Tuesday event was held in English grammar schools. The schoolmasters
were paid a “cock fee” for allowing the children to bring their cocks
to school, and all learning was suspended for the day as the desks and
chairs were pushed aside to make room for the daylong contests. The
student who owned the champion cock was excused from corporal
punishment during Lent, along with one other student of his choice. At
the end of the day the school master was presented with all of the
cocks that were killed.

During the reign of Henry VIII, cock fighting flourished in England,
exceeding even horse racing in popularity. James I, Charles II, And
William the III were among other monarchs who were avid cockers. By
the end of the 18th century, however, reformist doctrine started to
take hold with the English majority. By 1835, cock fighting was
reduced to the rank of a cruel and capricious sport and was, once
again, driven underground.

In spite of being prohibited in England, after 1835 cockfighting found
a new home in America. Ships that carried English settlers to America
also carried chickens and fighting cocks. Cock fighting was frowned
upon by the Puritans but it still flourished from New York to Georgia.
Before and after the Revolution, New York was the center of
cockfighting in the East. Here the sport was dominated by freed slaves
and Irish immigrants.

Before long, the sport spread west and became most popular in areas
settled by Southerners and the Irish. As in England, reformers moved
quickly to force legislation to outlaw cock fighting but it soon
became obvious that there was little sentiment for this type
legislation on the national level, so the individual states were left
to pass there own laws. But even on the state level, very little
anticocking legislation was passed until early in the 20th century.
While visiting friends in Florida, in 1971, I was surprised to find
that cockfighting was still legal in that state.

Outlawing cockfighting in this country has had the same effect as
Prohibition. As you read these words somewhere in this country, loyal
members of a tight fraternity of cockers is gathering around a pit,
anxiously waiting to place their bets on the outcome of the main

Cultural influence

The chicken has influenced our languages and cultures. From ancient
times to the present, if two people look or act the same, they are
said to be “hatched from the same egg.” The ancient Greeks compared
poor writing to “chicken scratches.” Using the word chicken to
describe a coward has been popular since Shakespeare's time and the
proverb, “I would not have him count his chickens so soon before they
hatched,” was found in a collection of proverbs published in
1579.Superstitions surrounding chickens are also alive and well in
both urban and rural areas. One superstition declares that there will
be sickness in the house if a hen crows. Another claims that a
farmer's chickens will be like the first person who comes to his house
on New Year's morning—a stout and prosperous person meant plump
chickens while a poor meager person meant scrawny chickens.

Make a wish

Two people tugging on the magic clavicle, or wish bone, until it
breaks, dates back almost 2,500 years to the ancient Etruscans.
Chickens were kept in Etruscan temples to answer questions by pecking
at corn kernels in a circle marked with letters of the alphabet. When
the bird was through eating, a priest would enter the circle and
interpret the results. When one of these sacred birds died, its collar
bone was dried and believers were allowed to stroke it and make a
wish. When the custom was passed to the Romans, people started tugging
on the bone until it broke. The wish of the person holding the half
containing the “head” would be granted. I've heard it suggested that
the phrase, “to get a lucky break,” came from this ancient custom.

Before trained physicians came on the world scene in 18th century,
chickens provided a living drug store of remedies for everyone—rich
and poor. In the practice of folk medicine, people were inclined to
reach for a chicken to cure almost any malady of the body or the
spirit. In ancient Greece, as well as other parts of the world, fever,
arthritis, colic, dysentery, epilepsy, headache, constipation, and
cough were all treated with various parts of the chicken. The remedies
are endless and most are far too complicated and absurd to mention
here. But some made sense and are still used today: a bowl of homemade
chicken soup has always been, and probably always will be, prescribed
as a comfort and cure for many maladies, real and imagined.
M Kfivethousand
2023-05-16 22:01:29 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Forget the dog,
chicken is man's
best friend
By Richard Blunt
The domestic chicken, or Gallus domesticus as the Romans called it,
has lived with humans for centuries. It is probably the descendent of
a wild asian bird, and historians have found references to its
domestic descendant in the art and literature of India, China, and
southeast Asia as early as 3000 BC. Egyptians were managing large
flocks of chickens by the Second Dynasty (2890 to 2680 BC), but for
some reason did not record much about their accomplishments in the
breeding and keeping of chickens. Greek writings, however, describe
how Egyptians designed and built clay incubators with the capacity to
incubate and brood 10,000 to 15,000 chicks at a time. Incubators with
greater capacity have only existed in this country and western Europe
for about 80 years.
It was sometime before the sixth century BC that the Egyptians and the
Persians introduced the wonders of domesticated chickens to the
Greeks. The Persians shared their talent for breeding Malayan and
Indian jungle fowl, which were used primarily for cock fighting, while
the Egyptians taught the Greeks how to successfully develop and
maintain breeds for the production of eggs and meat. For the next 200
years, chickens became an indispensable element in Greek life. At
first they were used primarily in religious ceremonies, folk medicine,
and the popular sport of cock fighting. But by the third century BC,
breeding chickens for egg laying and meat production had become a
priority in Greek civilization.
The Greeks passed their knowledge of the chicken on to the Romans. It
was in Rome that the chicken truly reached its apotheosis. There, it
became a sacred bird, often used as the central figure of various
methods of divination, apothecary, and as a serious subject for
philosophical inquiry. In Rome, fighting cocks were trained like
gladiators. They were fed garlic before they fought in the belief that
it would increase their courage and ferocity. The Romans also believed
that garlic had the same effect on men. The writings of Roman
naturalists and philosophers elevated the chicken to an exalted
position in urban civilization. They skillfully molded it into a
genuine object of scientific scrutiny and philosophical inquiry. No
longer would the chicken be a taken-for-granted resident of the
barnyard or cockpit.
The chicken has always meant much more to people than a cheap meal.
The cock, or rooster as we now call it, has long been respected,
especially for its ferocity as a fighter. In ancient Syria, Borneo,
and Sumatra the fighting cock was worshiped as a god—an exalted status
that usually saved it from becoming Sunday dinner. There was even a
time in ancient Greece when cock fighting was considered a national
sport. The Romans viewed the cock as a noble gladiator, and the cock
fight was a solemn ceremony that reinforced their belief that men
should be brave—imitators of the cock.
Cockfighting came to its greatest secular popularity and refinement in
late medieval England. The Church made vigorous efforts to repress it
but only succeeded in driving it underground. As a compromise with the
people, the Church did finally sanction organized cockfighting events
on special days, such as Shrove Tuesday. One very popular Shrove
Tuesday event was held in English grammar schools. The schoolmasters
were paid a “cock fee” for allowing the children to bring their cocks
to school, and all learning was suspended for the day as the desks and
chairs were pushed aside to make room for the daylong contests. The
student who owned the champion cock was excused from corporal
punishment during Lent, along with one other student of his choice. At
the end of the day the school master was presented with all of the
cocks that were killed.
During the reign of Henry VIII, cock fighting flourished in England,
exceeding even horse racing in popularity. James I, Charles II, And
William the III were among other monarchs who were avid cockers. By
the end of the 18th century, however, reformist doctrine started to
take hold with the English majority. By 1835, cock fighting was
reduced to the rank of a cruel and capricious sport and was, once
again, driven underground.
In spite of being prohibited in England, after 1835 cockfighting found
a new home in America. Ships that carried English settlers to America
also carried chickens and fighting cocks. Cock fighting was frowned
upon by the Puritans but it still flourished from New York to Georgia.
Before and after the Revolution, New York was the center of
cockfighting in the East. Here the sport was dominated by freed slaves
and Irish immigrants.
Before long, the sport spread west and became most popular in areas
settled by Southerners and the Irish. As in England, reformers moved
quickly to force legislation to outlaw cock fighting but it soon
became obvious that there was little sentiment for this type
legislation on the national level, so the individual states were left
to pass there own laws. But even on the state level, very little
anticocking legislation was passed until early in the 20th century.
While visiting friends in Florida, in 1971, I was surprised to find
that cockfighting was still legal in that state.
Outlawing cockfighting in this country has had the same effect as
Prohibition. As you read these words somewhere in this country, loyal
members of a tight fraternity of cockers is gathering around a pit,
anxiously waiting to place their bets on the outcome of the main
Cultural influence
The chicken has influenced our languages and cultures. From ancient
times to the present, if two people look or act the same, they are
said to be “hatched from the same egg.” The ancient Greeks compared
poor writing to “chicken scratches.” Using the word chicken to
describe a coward has been popular since Shakespeare's time and the
proverb, “I would not have him count his chickens so soon before they
hatched,” was found in a collection of proverbs published in
1579.Superstitions surrounding chickens are also alive and well in
both urban and rural areas. One superstition declares that there will
be sickness in the house if a hen crows. Another claims that a
farmer's chickens will be like the first person who comes to his house
on New Year's morning—a stout and prosperous person meant plump
chickens while a poor meager person meant scrawny chickens.
Make a wish
Two people tugging on the magic clavicle, or wish bone, until it
breaks, dates back almost 2,500 years to the ancient Etruscans.
Chickens were kept in Etruscan temples to answer questions by pecking
at corn kernels in a circle marked with letters of the alphabet. When
the bird was through eating, a priest would enter the circle and
interpret the results. When one of these sacred birds died, its collar
bone was dried and believers were allowed to stroke it and make a
wish. When the custom was passed to the Romans, people started tugging
on the bone until it broke. The wish of the person holding the half
containing the “head” would be granted. I've heard it suggested that
the phrase, “to get a lucky break,” came from this ancient custom.
Before trained physicians came on the world scene in 18th century,
chickens provided a living drug store of remedies for everyone—rich
and poor. In the practice of folk medicine, people were inclined to
reach for a chicken to cure almost any malady of the body or the
spirit. In ancient Greece, as well as other parts of the world, fever,
arthritis, colic, dysentery, epilepsy, headache, constipation, and
cough were all treated with various parts of the chicken. The remedies
are endless and most are far too complicated and absurd to mention
here. But some made sense and are still used today: a bowl of homemade
chicken soup has always been, and probably always will be, prescribed
as a comfort and cure for many maladies, real and imagined.
this week’s dinners are:
Stir fry (vegetables only, plus nuts)
Crustless quiche (egg, sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach)- ok I admit this is BAKED
Onion soup
Pad Thai (brown rice noodles)
Egg ramekin
Cranberry beans with melted cheese and avocado
Caesar salad
I also often eat canned fish like sardines, or sometimes I splurge and get a sushi bowl

Yeah, I actually plan weekly meals now. Crazy, I know.


Matt:] Hey bra, how we doin' man?
[Karl:] All right.
[Matt:] It's been a while man, life's so rad!
This band's my favorite man, don't ya love 'em?==Weezer - (Undone) Sweater Song
M Kfivethousand
2023-05-17 22:23:53 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Forget the dog,
chicken is man's
best friend
By Richard Blunt
The domestic chicken, or Gallus domesticus as the Romans called it,
has lived with humans for centuries. It is probably the descendent of
a wild asian bird, and historians have found references to its
domestic descendant in the art and literature of India, China, and
southeast Asia as early as 3000 BC. Egyptians were managing large
flocks of chickens by the Second Dynasty (2890 to 2680 BC), but for
some reason did not record much about their accomplishments in the
breeding and keeping of chickens. Greek writings, however, describe
how Egyptians designed and built clay incubators with the capacity to
incubate and brood 10,000 to 15,000 chicks at a time. Incubators with
greater capacity have only existed in this country and western Europe
for about 80 years.
It was sometime before the sixth century BC that the Egyptians and the
Persians introduced the wonders of domesticated chickens to the
Greeks. The Persians shared their talent for breeding Malayan and
Indian jungle fowl, which were used primarily for cock fighting, while
the Egyptians taught the Greeks how to successfully develop and
maintain breeds for the production of eggs and meat. For the next 200
years, chickens became an indispensable element in Greek life. At
first they were used primarily in religious ceremonies, folk medicine,
and the popular sport of cock fighting. But by the third century BC,
breeding chickens for egg laying and meat production had become a
priority in Greek civilization.
The Greeks passed their knowledge of the chicken on to the Romans. It
was in Rome that the chicken truly reached its apotheosis. There, it
became a sacred bird, often used as the central figure of various
methods of divination, apothecary, and as a serious subject for
philosophical inquiry. In Rome, fighting cocks were trained like
gladiators. They were fed garlic before they fought in the belief that
it would increase their courage and ferocity. The Romans also believed
that garlic had the same effect on men. The writings of Roman
naturalists and philosophers elevated the chicken to an exalted
position in urban civilization. They skillfully molded it into a
genuine object of scientific scrutiny and philosophical inquiry. No
longer would the chicken be a taken-for-granted resident of the
barnyard or cockpit.
The chicken has always meant much more to people than a cheap meal.
The cock, or rooster as we now call it, has long been respected,
especially for its ferocity as a fighter. In ancient Syria, Borneo,
and Sumatra the fighting cock was worshiped as a god—an exalted status
that usually saved it from becoming Sunday dinner. There was even a
time in ancient Greece when cock fighting was considered a national
sport. The Romans viewed the cock as a noble gladiator, and the cock
fight was a solemn ceremony that reinforced their belief that men
should be brave—imitators of the cock.
Cockfighting came to its greatest secular popularity and refinement in
late medieval England. The Church made vigorous efforts to repress it
but only succeeded in driving it underground. As a compromise with the
people, the Church did finally sanction organized cockfighting events
on special days, such as Shrove Tuesday. One very popular Shrove
Tuesday event was held in English grammar schools. The schoolmasters
were paid a “cock fee” for allowing the children to bring their cocks
to school, and all learning was suspended for the day as the desks and
chairs were pushed aside to make room for the daylong contests. The
student who owned the champion cock was excused from corporal
punishment during Lent, along with one other student of his choice. At
the end of the day the school master was presented with all of the
cocks that were killed.
During the reign of Henry VIII, cock fighting flourished in England,
exceeding even horse racing in popularity. James I, Charles II, And
William the III were among other monarchs who were avid cockers. By
the end of the 18th century, however, reformist doctrine started to
take hold with the English majority. By 1835, cock fighting was
reduced to the rank of a cruel and capricious sport and was, once
again, driven underground.
In spite of being prohibited in England, after 1835 cockfighting found
a new home in America. Ships that carried English settlers to America
also carried chickens and fighting cocks. Cock fighting was frowned
upon by the Puritans but it still flourished from New York to Georgia.
Before and after the Revolution, New York was the center of
cockfighting in the East. Here the sport was dominated by freed slaves
and Irish immigrants.
Before long, the sport spread west and became most popular in areas
settled by Southerners and the Irish. As in England, reformers moved
quickly to force legislation to outlaw cock fighting but it soon
became obvious that there was little sentiment for this type
legislation on the national level, so the individual states were left
to pass there own laws. But even on the state level, very little
anticocking legislation was passed until early in the 20th century.
While visiting friends in Florida, in 1971, I was surprised to find
that cockfighting was still legal in that state.
Outlawing cockfighting in this country has had the same effect as
Prohibition. As you read these words somewhere in this country, loyal
members of a tight fraternity of cockers is gathering around a pit,
anxiously waiting to place their bets on the outcome of the main
Cultural influence
The chicken has influenced our languages and cultures. From ancient
times to the present, if two people look or act the same, they are
said to be “hatched from the same egg.” The ancient Greeks compared
poor writing to “chicken scratches.” Using the word chicken to
describe a coward has been popular since Shakespeare's time and the
proverb, “I would not have him count his chickens so soon before they
hatched,” was found in a collection of proverbs published in
1579.Superstitions surrounding chickens are also alive and well in
both urban and rural areas. One superstition declares that there will
be sickness in the house if a hen crows. Another claims that a
farmer's chickens will be like the first person who comes to his house
on New Year's morning—a stout and prosperous person meant plump
chickens while a poor meager person meant scrawny chickens.
Make a wish
Two people tugging on the magic clavicle, or wish bone, until it
breaks, dates back almost 2,500 years to the ancient Etruscans.
Chickens were kept in Etruscan temples to answer questions by pecking
at corn kernels in a circle marked with letters of the alphabet. When
the bird was through eating, a priest would enter the circle and
interpret the results. When one of these sacred birds died, its collar
bone was dried and believers were allowed to stroke it and make a
wish. When the custom was passed to the Romans, people started tugging
on the bone until it broke. The wish of the person holding the half
containing the “head” would be granted. I've heard it suggested that
the phrase, “to get a lucky break,” came from this ancient custom.
Before trained physicians came on the world scene in 18th century,
chickens provided a living drug store of remedies for everyone—rich
and poor. In the practice of folk medicine, people were inclined to
reach for a chicken to cure almost any malady of the body or the
spirit. In ancient Greece, as well as other parts of the world, fever,
arthritis, colic, dysentery, epilepsy, headache, constipation, and
cough were all treated with various parts of the chicken. The remedies
are endless and most are far too complicated and absurd to mention
here. But some made sense and are still used today: a bowl of homemade
chicken soup has always been, and probably always will be, prescribed
as a comfort and cure for many maladies, real and imagined.
Stir fry (vegetables only, plus nuts)
Crustless quiche (egg, sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach)- ok I admit this is BAKED
Onion soup
Pad Thai (brown rice noodles)
Egg ramekin
Cranberry beans with melted cheese and avocado
Caesar salad
I also often eat canned fish like sardines, or sometimes I splurge and get a sushi bowl
Yeah, I actually plan weekly meals now. Crazy, I know.
Matt:] Hey bra, how we doin' man?
[Karl:] All right.
[Matt:] It's been a while man, life's so rad!
This band's my favorite man, don't ya love 'em?==Weezer - (Undone) Sweater Song
Can I get a money order at a bank, ?
It’s the only place I have an account (with Ma) and open on Saturday.


So I dig on down into the dirt,­
Past the surface, and the hurt, just to see what we've been building on
Past the love regret and fire, childish dreams and downward--Get Dead - Kerouac's Teeth