perfect ringtone for a morning alarm
(too old to reply)
M Kfivethousand
2021-04-03 03:23:56 UTC
“At the time, Democratic nominee Joe Biden had begun to open up a lead, which would gradually grow to more than ten points over Trump in the polls by the middle of the month. As for Trump, he went to Walter Reed hospital on Friday, October 2, was pumped full of the latest pharmaceutical cocktails designed to bring down the COVID-19 virus, and returned to the White House, where he made an appearance on the South Portico balcony, staged like a great cinematic spectacle, with the kind of lighting that wins Oscars, punctuated by President Trump dramatically removing his mask and giving onlookers a double thumbs-up, before returning into the White House, his mask stuffed into his pocket.
This is what has become known as Trump’s Mussolini moment. This was Donald Trump on steroids. Literally. Dexamethasone, to be precise.33 Whether Trump’s manic behavior over the next few weeks was steroid induced or just Trump being Trump is unclear”

Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
M Kfivethousand
2021-04-03 03:57:46 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
“At the time, Democratic nominee Joe Biden had begun to open up a lead, which would gradually grow to more than ten points over Trump in the polls by the middle of the month. As for Trump, he went to Walter Reed hospital on Friday, October 2, was pumped full of the latest pharmaceutical cocktails designed to bring down the COVID-19 virus, and returned to the White House, where he made an appearance on the South Portico balcony, staged like a great cinematic spectacle, with the kind of lighting that wins Oscars, punctuated by President Trump dramatically removing his mask and giving onlookers a double thumbs-up, before returning into the White House, his mask stuffed into his pocket.
This is what has become known as Trump’s Mussolini moment. This was Donald Trump on steroids. Literally. Dexamethasone, to be precise.33 Whether Trump’s manic behavior over the next few weeks was steroid induced or just Trump being Trump is unclear”
Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
“Meanwhile, Trump continued developing a narrative that blamed President Obama for “spying” on Trump’s 2016 candidacy, that cast Trump not as a villain but as a victim of pro-Hillary Democrats in the FBI, the fake news, the liberal elites. Led by Rudy Giuliani, Trump proxies shuttled back and forth to Ukraine to generate sham investigations and disinformation they hoped would torpedo Joe Biden.
These false narratives had begun almost immediately after Trump’s inauguration with an assertion—a tweet, naturally, on March 4, 2017, just over six weeks after his inauguration—in which Trump wrote, “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
Donald Trump was the victim!
A key problem with making that case, of course, was that the facts didn’t quite mesh with the theory, and they would have to be changed to make it work.”

Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
M Kfivethousand
2021-04-04 01:36:09 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
“At the time, Democratic nominee Joe Biden had begun to open up a lead, which would gradually grow to more than ten points over Trump in the polls by the middle of the month. As for Trump, he went to Walter Reed hospital on Friday, October 2, was pumped full of the latest pharmaceutical cocktails designed to bring down the COVID-19 virus, and returned to the White House, where he made an appearance on the South Portico balcony, staged like a great cinematic spectacle, with the kind of lighting that wins Oscars, punctuated by President Trump dramatically removing his mask and giving onlookers a double thumbs-up, before returning into the White House, his mask stuffed into his pocket.
This is what has become known as Trump’s Mussolini moment. This was Donald Trump on steroids. Literally. Dexamethasone, to be precise.33 Whether Trump’s manic behavior over the next few weeks was steroid induced or just Trump being Trump is unclear”
Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
“Meanwhile, Trump continued developing a narrative that blamed President Obama for “spying” on Trump’s 2016 candidacy, that cast Trump not as a villain but as a victim of pro-Hillary Democrats in the FBI, the fake news, the liberal elites. Led by Rudy Giuliani, Trump proxies shuttled back and forth to Ukraine to generate sham investigations and disinformation they hoped would torpedo Joe Biden.
These false narratives had begun almost immediately after Trump’s inauguration with an assertion—a tweet, naturally, on March 4, 2017, just over six weeks after his inauguration—in which Trump wrote, “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
Donald Trump was the victim!
A key problem with making that case, of course, was that the facts didn’t quite mesh with the theory, and they would have to be changed to make it work.”
Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
When covid no longer stands in my way count me in as a warrior

Possible god dumped me in here because


One more step, one more exhale
As I follow where You lead
Feel my heart as it's racing
Down the path You set for me--switch
M Kfivethousand
2021-04-04 02:00:06 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
“At the time, Democratic nominee Joe Biden had begun to open up a lead, which would gradually grow to more than ten points over Trump in the polls by the middle of the month. As for Trump, he went to Walter Reed hospital on Friday, October 2, was pumped full of the latest pharmaceutical cocktails designed to bring down the COVID-19 virus, and returned to the White House, where he made an appearance on the South Portico balcony, staged like a great cinematic spectacle, with the kind of lighting that wins Oscars, punctuated by President Trump dramatically removing his mask and giving onlookers a double thumbs-up, before returning into the White House, his mask stuffed into his pocket.
This is what has become known as Trump’s Mussolini moment. This was Donald Trump on steroids. Literally. Dexamethasone, to be precise.33 Whether Trump’s manic behavior over the next few weeks was steroid induced or just Trump being Trump is unclear”
Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
“Meanwhile, Trump continued developing a narrative that blamed President Obama for “spying” on Trump’s 2016 candidacy, that cast Trump not as a villain but as a victim of pro-Hillary Democrats in the FBI, the fake news, the liberal elites. Led by Rudy Giuliani, Trump proxies shuttled back and forth to Ukraine to generate sham investigations and disinformation they hoped would torpedo Joe Biden.
These false narratives had begun almost immediately after Trump’s inauguration with an assertion—a tweet, naturally, on March 4, 2017, just over six weeks after his inauguration—in which Trump wrote, “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
Donald Trump was the victim!
A key problem with making that case, of course, was that the facts didn’t quite mesh with the theory, and they would have to be changed to make it work.”
Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
When covid no longer stands in my way count me in as a warrior
Possible god dumped me in here because
One more step, one more exhale
As I follow where You lead
Feel my heart as it's racing
Down the path You set for me--switch
The downtown is the capitol of the state and there is some renovation that started before pandemic but the downtown is very small

There are likely government business visitors

They also built a museum of lynching that opened after i left

But no arenas

Sports are mostly in the college towns not that close

There is a lot of military so its possible the motel they are building down the street may be extended stay which the military uses a lot but its not all that close, yet a lot of military live in my complex

If its not extended stay catering to military then it will serve truckers

There is nothing touristy in this neighborhood its all doctor offices


Judy Hopps: But sir, we...

Chief Bogo: Badge!

Nick Wilde: [as Judy starts to turn in her badge] Uh... no.

Chief Bogo: What did you say, fox?--Zootopia (

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