M Kfivethousand
2021-04-03 03:23:56 UTC
“At the time, Democratic nominee Joe Biden had begun to open up a lead, which would gradually grow to more than ten points over Trump in the polls by the middle of the month. As for Trump, he went to Walter Reed hospital on Friday, October 2, was pumped full of the latest pharmaceutical cocktails designed to bring down the COVID-19 virus, and returned to the White House, where he made an appearance on the South Portico balcony, staged like a great cinematic spectacle, with the kind of lighting that wins Oscars, punctuated by President Trump dramatically removing his mask and giving onlookers a double thumbs-up, before returning into the White House, his mask stuffed into his pocket.
This is what has become known as Trump’s Mussolini moment. This was Donald Trump on steroids. Literally. Dexamethasone, to be precise.33 Whether Trump’s manic behavior over the next few weeks was steroid induced or just Trump being Trump is unclear”
Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger
This is what has become known as Trump’s Mussolini moment. This was Donald Trump on steroids. Literally. Dexamethasone, to be precise.33 Whether Trump’s manic behavior over the next few weeks was steroid induced or just Trump being Trump is unclear”
Excerpt From
American Kompromat
Craig Unger