Post by M Kfivethousandtook me 9 years to remember to buy a bed
every time i left the house i'd forget i slept on the floor that night
short term memory
Can’t we live that real life, real life
She prays on her knees as the towers fall
To a god she does not know
She’s begging him to stop the mess--Real Life, imagine dragons
Funny.... my dog she said "you mean I'm really allowed on the shiny wood floors that
I've not been allowed to step paw on for the past 3 years? Really!? Is it my birthday?!"
About 3 years ago I had all my old wood floors refinished. It was too hard to move all the furniture
so instead I hired 1800-got-junk to haul it all away for 200 bucks. It was garbage anyway, no loss.
So I went on a furniture shopping trip the next weekend, i was all motivated to "decorate".
Got bored in about 3 minutes, lost interest, went shopping for plants instead
Have never gone back out furniture shopping since then. Lazy, don't care
In a scene in I'm Not There (2007), a young Bob Dylan (played by Ben Whishaw) is portrayed identifying himself as Arthur Rimbaud by spelling Rimbaud's name and giving 20 October as his birthday.
In Bob Dylan's 1975 album Blood on the Tracks, "You're Gonna Make me Lonesome When you Go" contains the following lyrics:
Situations have ended sad,
Relationships have all been bad.
Mine've been like Verlaine's and Rimbaud.
But there's no way I can compare,
All those scenes to this affair,
Yer gonna make me lonesome when you go...--wikipedia