M Kfivethousand
2022-10-10 01:10:18 UTC
Today’s walk: maple trees (about a dozen of them) at the cemetery have been tapped for sap collection. I thought it was kind of a little too early for this yet, but what do I know. Anyway, I was reading that you need like 20 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. That bucket at the bottom of the tree is 5 gallon size, and (I looked inside some of them) only have about 1inch of sap in each one so far, so still have a really long way to go.
Based on my calculations, if each bucket gets filled up, these tapped trees will yield someone probably about 3 gallons of syrup. Seems like a lot of work for small yield.
But I wonder if they sell it somewhere locally.
Be it love for natures blossoms,
Perhaps, a tale about some possums.
Will it touch a chord in your heart?
Encourage you to make a new start!==A poem a day
Based on my calculations, if each bucket gets filled up, these tapped trees will yield someone probably about 3 gallons of syrup. Seems like a lot of work for small yield.
But I wonder if they sell it somewhere locally.
Be it love for natures blossoms,
Perhaps, a tale about some possums.
Will it touch a chord in your heart?
Encourage you to make a new start!==A poem a day