2024-05-14 19:46:33 UTC
I said eraserhead out loud
I fell today backwards so there are quite a few parts of my torso cramping
Still I carried in all the plants and watered all the outer ones
I’m having trouble lying down
I went to the kitchen to get some water and thought it was raining and got
annoyed that I watered
Went out
It’s not raining but there was there weird windy rustly sound
Still not sure what it was other than a light breeze but on going out
Then i saw it
I’ve seen lightning bugs but never a display like this
It was like Xmas time all over the trees and brighter than headlamps
I fell today backwards so there are quite a few parts of my torso cramping
Still I carried in all the plants and watered all the outer ones
I’m having trouble lying down
I went to the kitchen to get some water and thought it was raining and got
annoyed that I watered
Went out
It’s not raining but there was there weird windy rustly sound
Still not sure what it was other than a light breeze but on going out
Then i saw it
I’ve seen lightning bugs but never a display like this
It was like Xmas time all over the trees and brighter than headlamps