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M Kfivethousand
2020-12-08 20:48:33 UTC
Omg yes

octopus where he changes colors while he is sleeping and snoring



We had no car, we walked to grocery stores, we had hundreds of restaurants within walking distance, and we were in the greatest melting pot of human aspirations and talent assembled from around the globe in one sleepless and electrifying city.--I Heart New York
earl b russell
M Kfivethousand
2020-12-08 21:29:33 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Omg yes
octopus where he changes colors while he is sleeping and snoring
We had no car, we walked to grocery stores, we had hundreds of restaurants within walking distance, and we were in the greatest melting pot of human aspirations and talent assembled from around the globe in one sleepless and electrifying city.--I Heart New York
earl b russell
Golden Tortoise Beetle

That’s not a beetle. It’s a precious gem with legs.

that octopus video, the one where it changes color to literally match with its surroundings? It has a color palette as wide as a box of crayons. It’s fascinating.000


The fourth stanza of the poem is once again a two-line couplet. If the reader does not yet fully understand the lifeless nature of the scene, these lines will confirm it. The speaker says outright that the land is “Lifeless in appearance.” There does not seem to be any trace (at the moment) of what it was or could be again. ==review of
Spring and All by William Carlos Williams at poem analysis dot com