2024-08-25 22:16:47 UTC
I saw my neighborb (the gardener) on my cemetery run today, and she told me
a Proud Boy lives in the apartment building across the street from my
Couple other things she told me.
She has withdrawn ALL her money from all her investments and banks, and
keeps it all in cash in her house now, because she is worried that if trump
wins, not only will he destroy the economy, but he will gut the FDIC so
everyone in America (except for the billionaires) will lose all their
savings. (PS she is 75 years old)
She also told me she thinks the ear-shooting was an ‘inside job’ planned by
the trump team in order to get him sympathy and support right before the
RNC. She hasn’t completely worked out how the plot was arranged, and
whether or not secret service was in on it, but she absolutely believes the
shooter was “hired” by the trump team.
And though she’s not sure exactly where she can or will go, she expects to
leave the country if trump wins. She thinks if she doesn’t leave, he’ll
deport her somewhere anyway. She is white, not an immigrant, not an
activist or anything, but she really believes ALL Dems in the whole country
will be targeted for deportation.
a Proud Boy lives in the apartment building across the street from my
Couple other things she told me.
She has withdrawn ALL her money from all her investments and banks, and
keeps it all in cash in her house now, because she is worried that if trump
wins, not only will he destroy the economy, but he will gut the FDIC so
everyone in America (except for the billionaires) will lose all their
savings. (PS she is 75 years old)
She also told me she thinks the ear-shooting was an ‘inside job’ planned by
the trump team in order to get him sympathy and support right before the
RNC. She hasn’t completely worked out how the plot was arranged, and
whether or not secret service was in on it, but she absolutely believes the
shooter was “hired” by the trump team.
And though she’s not sure exactly where she can or will go, she expects to
leave the country if trump wins. She thinks if she doesn’t leave, he’ll
deport her somewhere anyway. She is white, not an immigrant, not an
activist or anything, but she really believes ALL Dems in the whole country
will be targeted for deportation.