Post by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandPost by M KfivethousandBlue jays are like trump.
Tough guys who run and hide in a bunker.
I will hide and you will hide
And we shall hide together here
Underneath the bunkers in the row
I have water I have rum
Underneath the Bunker, REM
the one green new deal rep, forget his name, he was the cosponsor
He said that what McConnell did was disgraceful
That’s one way to win against trump
Steal his big words
That’s one of trumps favorites
ensuring a commercial environment where every businessperson is free from unfair competition and domination by domestic or international monopolies...
Excerpted from: H.Res.109 - Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal (7 February 2019) p. 13-14
Secret service is furious at trump for exposing them to covid
Racism is the only thing he's Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that's how he gets his rock off, he's orange. Sheesh --LeBron James
It was the early 1970s and I was recently divorced. I had three kids and was totally broke. I managed to find work back east on the straw-hat circuit - summer stock - but couldn't afford hotels, so I lived out of the back of my truck, under a hard shell.
William Shatner
she is the super spreader
she met with too many people before and after the announcement, including with TRump,
and there is no doubt she had it since she admitted she had been infected with covid just recently
it was her and her maskless kids
“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
“The answer is blowin’ in the wind.”
Unfortunately, our president is completely oblivious to those passionate lyrics. Over 200,000 Americans have died, with many more to come, as COVID-19 continues “blowin’ in the wind” that sweeps across our country and around the globe.--Ted Little
Okay; he is [was?] a #nevertrump guy, but this is a good Clinton farewell piece........enjoy.
jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (and all ships at sea),
Last night was the traditional National Review smoker on our splendid post-election cruise. This is an ancient tradition, the origins of which stretch back into the mists before time and the stories of a young solo sailor by the name of William F. Buckley Jr. — sweat, sea water, and shark blood glistening off his chest — who settled in to enjoy a relaxing cigar after killing the great white beast with his bare hands.
I bring this up for two reasons. First, to alert the reader that I am feeling a bit hungover from both smoke and spirit alike (so please, stop reading so loudly!); second, because I think I must say goodbye to another great white beast: Bill Clinton — and his remora bride, Hillary.
This is a good time to do it. The feeding frenzy atmosphere around the Trump transition is bananas given that there’s so little to say about it. My position on Trump remains unchanged from last week’s G-File: Like Bill Clinton after taking a blood test, I am entirely in wait-and-see mode.
in his post covid interviews, trump keeps saying that he has been tested by equipment he has never seen before, trying to convey the impression that he has had some remarkable near sci fi level of care
Equipment I have never seen before, means he’s a moron who THINKS he knows more than anyone else, but actually knows nothing about medicine, and has the mental capacity of a 9 year old.
He can’t put his makeup on right because he’s a 75 year old debil who can’t even see it. That part I understand. The part I do NOT understand is how his loving wife and daughter let him out of the house looking like that
“It is no coincidence the first gay character in a Disney movie groveled at the feet of a straight man,“That’s where they like to see us.--Caleb Broeker
today senate interviews barrett
We’re in for a 50 tweet rant now, for sure
I know, you know
That’s how much I feel in everything you are
I know, I know
I will never keep you from an open door
I am trying to describe the tape avenatti put out with cohen and the qatar guy
Strangely, as long ago as that, i noted flynn was probably bribed by qatar, and i speculated that qatar stole ice cube money to bribe flynn
ice cube has been all over the news this week as a trump supporter
so far april ryan and roland pretty much put his sincerity to an end
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us "No"
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming--Aladdin Suite by Qatar Philharmonic
the first debate was so awful
You know what might be a good strategy at this point?
For Biden team to issue some kind of apology for that shit show.
Write it well enough to sound like you’re not taking the blame for it, and yet you’re apologizing to the country for wasting their time.
It's never been difficult for me to say no. I have never given excuses like I don't have dates. I have never over-quoted to avoid a project. I simply say that while the script might be good, I can't connect with it. My strategy is that while I wouldn't want anyone to waste my time, I shouldn't be doing that, either, with others.
Vidya Balan
I’ve heard biden squeal for a second but not as stressed out as that poor little guy trump.
Hello darling, sorry about that.
Sorry about the bony elbows, sorry we
lived here, sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell
and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud.==Richard Siken
speaking of biden I wonder whatever happened to his accuser
i saw her commenting on biden and the media somewhere,not fox, about a month ago
she had her coverage, her story was published lots of pages
not sure what else she wants
i do not think anyone remembers her name
Sunday’s event, produced by Bruce Cohen and Claire Lucas, was called Celebration for Change. As Donald Trump has tried to characterize as his opponent as a doddering and even senile, the lineup of celebrities who spoke repeated a number of times how he would be a figure of “change,” especially on issues of racial justice and inclusion.--By Ted Johnson
i think biden was on point yesterday at the debate on covid
I don't know why anyone ever believed Trump that summer would improve covid. remember in winter, when Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson got covid in Australia. It was dead of summer over there. I never believed that cretin. I believed what Fauci and company said, as well as my cousin's SO. USA is turning into a holocaust. Trending towards 230k dead. Millions jobless
I am required By LAW to rant about Trump once daily. At least once a day.
It is awful for anyone to lose a job under any set of circumstances. My closest friends in Alabama, their son was a basketball coach at the Local Catholic school, lost his job. You just can’t distance in that job. He took a job delivering medical supplies. He has two kids. Has to be scary. I am so glad I have retired.
my other cousin is doing very poorly. In step down unit, irregularities with heart, shortness of breath, on oxygen, electrolyte deficit, thinks she is at her brother, who died more than ten years ago. Very sad.
As far as the house, we settled on the 24th.
We had a yard sale, tho i gave most of it away. We had such a horde, that they stole some stuff i had no intention of selling. One of which was guns, that i intended to turn into cops. These were guns my dad used when taking business cash to the bank. I called in the theft. Because i let people in, unintentionally, to mill about, cops would have a hard time pinning a crime on the thief.
I feel bad, because i don’t want anyone to commit crimes with the guns, If they made a couple bucks on it, in this economy, I don’t resent it. The things taken are just stupid earthly things my dad and I would have given charitably to anyone in need. We are fortunate enough that we don’t need the money and so don’t need to care about the loss.
One guy came by and took a lot of equipment. With my permission. My dad had a lot of stuff he brought home when he sold his business. He was also addicted to Sears, so he kept buying things he really could not use. How many drills and presses and table saws do you really need? The guy who took the better part of this said he was opening his own mechanics shop. That made me happy, to help a guy out.
The oak table went to an older couple our , who said they had been looking forever for a table like that. It was a gorgeous piece. i think it is called a pedestal table. had four leaves. I traded him the table in return for him helping me carry out a heavy desk.
It took forever to get rid of the baby grand. It is a 1903 Chickering. This is a primo brand. Like the stradivarius of pianos. No one has room for these, and buy electric or uprights nowadays. Auctioneers are rejecting Chickerings. The ivory goes yellow.. if not for it being in a dark corner for the last forty years, the wood would likely have been very dry. It had a few nicks etc, so that devalued it too. But at the last minute someone agreed to take it. It likely would have cost a lot to junk it. It would have been sad if no one could enjoy it.
Once a lot of stuff got taken, I carried out all the metal. Every addict drove by asking to take it. You would make a deal, then they would never show up. Finally, a guy na stopped by with his wife and kid. We talked a bit, and he admitted he had been in trouble with the law in the past but now is a pentecostal preacher. I determined he would show up, and he did. I think he had a truck full With our metal, to ten feet tall. I cannot believe how much metal I carried out. I remember at least ten water pumps. Sump pumps. Pumps for the pond. Trash pumps. Just for the record, they weigh around fifty pounds.
We rented dumpsters. I carried out most of the furniture. We filled two dumpsters. We broke down what I couldn’t carry, using a variety of tools.
That left the big oak hutch, tool chest in the shed, and another one in basement. I got 800 Junk to take these last bits, because we couldn’t find a way to break them down or carry them.
So the house was officially empty but for small, necessary or sentimental things, most of which I got rid of over tge next couple days. I did some basic cleaning, but we got a professional cleaning crew in. my sister”s employee, who used to feed our chickens, did it. Her family owns a company that cleans houses after murders, fires and floods. They are right around The Copper Kettle.
The only thing not fully settled is the appraisal. The realtor had to take a few photos, and forwarded them, I
So that is the whole story.
To that end, it might just be prudent of the public to look beyond Hanson’s age, aggressive EP title, and bold fashion aesthetic, to consider how Hanson feels about life and the depth of her feelings about what she has lived through, regardless of how recently said events occurred.--Kira Grunenberg