2024-10-20 00:17:02 UTC
The deep state runs quite deep.
'FBI Faked Crime Drop by Leaving Out 1,699 Murders'
'"1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated
'The recurring joke was that under Obama and Biden, the economic
projections always had to be revised downwards and under Trump, they had
to be revised upwards.
Now the reverse is happening to crime statistics.
Democrats and their media have been hyping false claims that crime is
down. Biden claimed that crime was at a 50-year low. I’ve dissected some
of these false claims in the past, but a key point in the debate was
that some of the FBI crime data was missing because the way data was
reported had changed.
Now the full crime data for 2022 is in and it turns out that the FBI had
missed 1,699 murders. But what’s over a thousand dead folks when the
goal is to fake a crime drop?
When the FBI originally released the “final” crime data for 2022 in
September 2023, it reported that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by
2.1%. This quickly became, and remains, a Democratic Party talking point
to counter Donald Trump’s claims of soaring crime.
But the FBI has quietly revised those numbers, releasing new data that
shows violent crime increased in 2022 by 4.5%. The new data includes
thousands more murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults.
The unmentioned additions, at least unmentioned by the feds, add “1,699
murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated assaults”.
I won’t drag out the old chestnut ‘lies, damn lies and statistics’, but
there are a thousand ways to lie with statistics and the easiest of
those is just to leave select data out.
Considering that the nation’s crime centers are also hard core Dem
strongholds, it becomes all too easy.
John R. Lott, a respected researcher who wrote the article, notes that
“while the FBI claims that serious violent crime has fallen by 5.8%
since Biden took office, the NCVS numbers show that total violent crime
has risen by 55.4%. Rapes are up by 42%, robbery by 63%, and aggravated
assault by 55% during Biden’s term. Since the NCVS started, the largest
previous increase over three years was 27% in 2006, so the increase
under Biden was slightly more than twice as large.”
This is much more in line with a lot of what people are experiencing.
Crime is high. Everyone knows it except the ‘experts’ and ‘politicians’
who are responsible for the mess and whose job is to cover it up.'
You know what else amazes me, how any crimes ever got solved before the age'FBI Faked Crime Drop by Leaving Out 1,699 Murders'
'"1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated
'The recurring joke was that under Obama and Biden, the economic
projections always had to be revised downwards and under Trump, they had
to be revised upwards.
Now the reverse is happening to crime statistics.
Democrats and their media have been hyping false claims that crime is
down. Biden claimed that crime was at a 50-year low. I’ve dissected some
of these false claims in the past, but a key point in the debate was
that some of the FBI crime data was missing because the way data was
reported had changed.
Now the full crime data for 2022 is in and it turns out that the FBI had
missed 1,699 murders. But what’s over a thousand dead folks when the
goal is to fake a crime drop?
When the FBI originally released the “final” crime data for 2022 in
September 2023, it reported that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by
2.1%. This quickly became, and remains, a Democratic Party talking point
to counter Donald Trump’s claims of soaring crime.
But the FBI has quietly revised those numbers, releasing new data that
shows violent crime increased in 2022 by 4.5%. The new data includes
thousands more murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults.
The unmentioned additions, at least unmentioned by the feds, add “1,699
murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies, and 37,091 aggravated assaults”.
I won’t drag out the old chestnut ‘lies, damn lies and statistics’, but
there are a thousand ways to lie with statistics and the easiest of
those is just to leave select data out.
Considering that the nation’s crime centers are also hard core Dem
strongholds, it becomes all too easy.
John R. Lott, a respected researcher who wrote the article, notes that
“while the FBI claims that serious violent crime has fallen by 5.8%
since Biden took office, the NCVS numbers show that total violent crime
has risen by 55.4%. Rapes are up by 42%, robbery by 63%, and aggravated
assault by 55% during Biden’s term. Since the NCVS started, the largest
previous increase over three years was 27% in 2006, so the increase
under Biden was slightly more than twice as large.”
This is much more in line with a lot of what people are experiencing.
Crime is high. Everyone knows it except the ‘experts’ and ‘politicians’
who are responsible for the mess and whose job is to cover it up.'
of social media. People be like “ I want to do this crime, and I don’t
wanna get caught, but I’ll tell the whole world everything about myself
This always reminds me of, decades ago, when they first started installing
cameras at red light intersections, and everybody was like “NO WAY!! BIG
Now they advertise themselves online, everything from their birthdates,
kids names (and photos!), to place of employment, where they live,
illnesses, relatives, what they did yesterday, and whenever they just fart
or something. It’s insane.