Happy holidays
(too old to reply)
m syadoz
2019-11-05 02:11:51 UTC
Shouldnt rick wilson’s everything trump touches dies formula apply more readily to putin et al

The first experiment was examining the word and tunes presented in an unfamiliar song. The second experiment was looking at memory for spoken words and tunes sung without words. The results clearly stated that the words were better memorized when sung with a song.—talking about thinking blog
2019-11-05 02:19:27 UTC
Post by m syadoz
Shouldnt rick wilson’s everything trump touches dies formula apply more
readily to putin et al
The first experiment was examining the word and tunes presented in an
unfamiliar song. The second experiment was looking at memory for spoken
words and tunes sung without words. The results clearly stated that the
words were better memorized when sung with a song.—talking about thinking blog
Speaking of which the hen and ma and i could not get out of bed til noon
And we didnt want to even then
The hen saw i came to the door and she flew out of the coop and ran at 5be
same time, you could almost hear Flintstone sound effects

She got to the gate but she was still completely asleep and stunned at what
she had done

She just sat at tge gate blinking for ten minutes

She was so out of it, torpor, she actually let me pet her for a sustained

She followed me around all day again


Words, lectures
Blur, babble
Stumble out of bed
Clothes, clean or dirty—raymond a fox, senioritis
