House charges Donald Trump
(too old to reply)
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-11 18:24:58 UTC
second times a charm??

“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”

Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-11 19:52:59 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."

Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of

"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."

The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."

The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."

The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used

Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"

The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.

This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)

A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.

- Jan Wolfe, @JanNWolfe, Reuters journalist

M Kfivethousand
2021-01-14 21:29:40 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”


Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-16 00:06:35 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday

suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment

It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.

He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves

He could not figure how to host the video

somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov


If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-16 00:14:42 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal

Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently

would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots

M Kfivethousand
2021-01-16 22:09:48 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.

that is the officer who diverted all the rioters

That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.

Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-17 05:00:58 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time

The Goldberg File

by Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
It’s just that when I read this tweet from political scientist Katy Perry -- “A lot of little girls are in bed right now dreaming for the first time, without limits. You broke the mold @HillaryClinton” -- I felt compelled to call b.s. on the whole thing.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-17 23:54:02 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time
The Goldberg File
by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
I have a friend I have to dump because she is a trump supporter and she carries a gun

She lives in my neighborhood
I think half of her problem is she never learned to cook so has to rely on take out and ready meals, which are not as plentiful in supermarkets these days

Every conversation i have had with her in the last few months goes like this

No that's not true
No there is no evidence of that
You saw that on tucker carlson last night and that is irresponsible hogwash,
show me the proof and i will believe you

I do not want to talk to her to get her opinion of the insurrection

She probably was there for all i know


We'll make it out!
Before the waves crash down, and pull us under.

The way you carry yourself,
Dragging me back against my will,-- Ascendings
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-20 01:20:54 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time
The Goldberg File
by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
I have a friend I have to dump because she is a trump supporter and she carries a gun
She lives in my neighborhood
I think half of her problem is she never learned to cook so has to rely on take out and ready meals, which are not as plentiful in supermarkets these days
Every conversation i have had with her in the last few months goes like this
No that's not true
No there is no evidence of that
You saw that on tucker carlson last night and that is irresponsible hogwash,
show me the proof and i will believe you
I do not want to talk to her to get her opinion of the insurrection
She probably was there for all i know
We'll make it out!
Before the waves crash down, and pull us under.
The way you carry yourself,
Dragging me back against my will,-- Ascendings
Still the best part is Lindsey:
Last week- I’m done, I’m out
This week- hi I’m back


‘I'm in my bed, and you're not here

And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands,

Forget what I said, It's not what I meant

And I can't take it back,--harry styles
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-21 01:35:33 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time
The Goldberg File
by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
I have a friend I have to dump because she is a trump supporter and she carries a gun
She lives in my neighborhood
I think half of her problem is she never learned to cook so has to rely on take out and ready meals, which are not as plentiful in supermarkets these days
Every conversation i have had with her in the last few months goes like this
No that's not true
No there is no evidence of that
You saw that on tucker carlson last night and that is irresponsible hogwash,
show me the proof and i will believe you
I do not want to talk to her to get her opinion of the insurrection
She probably was there for all i know
We'll make it out!
Before the waves crash down, and pull us under.
The way you carry yourself,
Dragging me back against my will,-- Ascendings
Last week- I’m done, I’m out
This week- hi I’m back
‘I'm in my bed, and you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands,
Forget what I said, It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back,--harry styles
i knew a judge who had to go to jail, he ended up pleading guilty

in the case I knew sad, but I also see a background as an aggressive prosecutor with no leavening defense experience....

Lindsey has defense experience
possibly this has leavened his attitude towards impeachment but i doubt it

there is more to it

We are at the Lake retreat until late this month Reading another Dalrymple book on the Brit underclass and bureaucratic "help"......great writer.


Eighties new wave punk group Bow Wow Wow straddled the chasm separating high art and low art, parodying Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe on an album cover one minute and singing about wanting candy the next. --Jeremy Allen
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-23 02:12:01 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time
The Goldberg File
by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
I have a friend I have to dump because she is a trump supporter and she carries a gun
She lives in my neighborhood
I think half of her problem is she never learned to cook so has to rely on take out and ready meals, which are not as plentiful in supermarkets these days
Every conversation i have had with her in the last few months goes like this
No that's not true
No there is no evidence of that
You saw that on tucker carlson last night and that is irresponsible hogwash,
show me the proof and i will believe you
I do not want to talk to her to get her opinion of the insurrection
She probably was there for all i know
We'll make it out!
Before the waves crash down, and pull us under.
The way you carry yourself,
Dragging me back against my will,-- Ascendings
Last week- I’m done, I’m out
This week- hi I’m back
‘I'm in my bed, and you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands,
Forget what I said, It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back,--harry styles
i knew a judge who had to go to jail, he ended up pleading guilty
in the case I knew sad, but I also see a background as an aggressive prosecutor with no leavening defense experience....
Lindsey has defense experience
possibly this has leavened his attitude towards impeachment but i doubt it
there is more to it
We are at the Lake retreat until late this month Reading another Dalrymple book on the Brit underclass and bureaucratic "help"......great writer.
Eighties new wave punk group Bow Wow Wow straddled the chasm separating high art and low art, parodying Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe on an album cover one minute and singing about wanting candy the next. --Jeremy Allen
I do not think Trump ever managed to damage Bruce Ohr and his wife as hard as he tried

He kept calling her the Lovely Mollie

In any case, her name is actually Nellie, and the reason why this is especially egregious on his part, is because he always refers to her as “lovely”, on purpose.

She could be considered as relatively not so attractive (on a typical trump scale, not “central casting” at all) , so what he was doing was sideswiping her looks, just like he did with Ted Cruz’s wife.

And compared to his own gorgeous bombshell genius visa wife.


Tekido na aiduchi de unazui tokeba
Ai rashiki monowa sukoshi moraeru kara
Demone , tari nai toki moaruyo ?
Watashi , sono teido ja mita senaiyo-


M Kfivethousand
2021-01-25 20:29:17 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time
The Goldberg File
by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
I have a friend I have to dump because she is a trump supporter and she carries a gun
She lives in my neighborhood
I think half of her problem is she never learned to cook so has to rely on take out and ready meals, which are not as plentiful in supermarkets these days
Every conversation i have had with her in the last few months goes like this
No that's not true
No there is no evidence of that
You saw that on tucker carlson last night and that is irresponsible hogwash,
show me the proof and i will believe you
I do not want to talk to her to get her opinion of the insurrection
She probably was there for all i know
We'll make it out!
Before the waves crash down, and pull us under.
The way you carry yourself,
Dragging me back against my will,-- Ascendings
Last week- I’m done, I’m out
This week- hi I’m back
‘I'm in my bed, and you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands,
Forget what I said, It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back,--harry styles
i knew a judge who had to go to jail, he ended up pleading guilty
in the case I knew sad, but I also see a background as an aggressive prosecutor with no leavening defense experience....
Lindsey has defense experience
possibly this has leavened his attitude towards impeachment but i doubt it
there is more to it
We are at the Lake retreat until late this month Reading another Dalrymple book on the Brit underclass and bureaucratic "help"......great writer.
Eighties new wave punk group Bow Wow Wow straddled the chasm separating high art and low art, parodying Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe on an album cover one minute and singing about wanting candy the next. --Jeremy Allen
I do not think Trump ever managed to damage Bruce Ohr and his wife as hard as he tried
He kept calling her the Lovely Mollie
In any case, her name is actually Nellie, and the reason why this is especially egregious on his part, is because he always refers to her as “lovely”, on purpose.
She could be considered as relatively not so attractive (on a typical trump scale, not “central casting” at all) , so what he was doing was sideswiping her looks, just like he did with Ted Cruz’s wife.
And compared to his own gorgeous bombshell genius visa wife.
Tekido na aiduchi de unazui tokeba
Ai rashiki monowa sukoshi moraeru kara
Demone , tari nai toki moaruyo ?
Watashi , sono teido ja mita senaiyo-
Ma asked me after dialysis to tell her what up with trump, what’s the legal deal

Not sure where she heard about it, maybe on a tv scroll in dialysis or her I pad when the weather or wsj alerts pop up

She’s been watching natgeo for the last month

I just said - he’s a mafiosi

That wasn’t enough she said change my tv to cnn

She’s spent the last couple hours trying to figure it out


The following markets will gain access to the new feature starting tomorrow: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, El Salvador, Uruguay, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong.--techcrunch on real time spotify lyrics
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-29 00:48:09 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time
The Goldberg File
by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
I have a friend I have to dump because she is a trump supporter and she carries a gun
She lives in my neighborhood
I think half of her problem is she never learned to cook so has to rely on take out and ready meals, which are not as plentiful in supermarkets these days
Every conversation i have had with her in the last few months goes like this
No that's not true
No there is no evidence of that
You saw that on tucker carlson last night and that is irresponsible hogwash,
show me the proof and i will believe you
I do not want to talk to her to get her opinion of the insurrection
She probably was there for all i know
We'll make it out!
Before the waves crash down, and pull us under.
The way you carry yourself,
Dragging me back against my will,-- Ascendings
Last week- I’m done, I’m out
This week- hi I’m back
‘I'm in my bed, and you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands,
Forget what I said, It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back,--harry styles
i knew a judge who had to go to jail, he ended up pleading guilty
in the case I knew sad, but I also see a background as an aggressive prosecutor with no leavening defense experience....
Lindsey has defense experience
possibly this has leavened his attitude towards impeachment but i doubt it
there is more to it
We are at the Lake retreat until late this month Reading another Dalrymple book on the Brit underclass and bureaucratic "help"......great writer.
Eighties new wave punk group Bow Wow Wow straddled the chasm separating high art and low art, parodying Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe on an album cover one minute and singing about wanting candy the next. --Jeremy Allen
I do not think Trump ever managed to damage Bruce Ohr and his wife as hard as he tried
He kept calling her the Lovely Mollie
In any case, her name is actually Nellie, and the reason why this is especially egregious on his part, is because he always refers to her as “lovely”, on purpose.
She could be considered as relatively not so attractive (on a typical trump scale, not “central casting” at all) , so what he was doing was sideswiping her looks, just like he did with Ted Cruz’s wife.
And compared to his own gorgeous bombshell genius visa wife.
Tekido na aiduchi de unazui tokeba
Ai rashiki monowa sukoshi moraeru kara
Demone , tari nai toki moaruyo ?
Watashi , sono teido ja mita senaiyo-
Ma asked me after dialysis to tell her what up with trump, what’s the legal deal
Not sure where she heard about it, maybe on a tv scroll in dialysis or her I pad when the weather or wsj alerts pop up
She’s been watching natgeo for the last month
I just said - he’s a mafiosi
That wasn’t enough she said change my tv to cnn
She’s spent the last couple hours trying to figure it out
The following markets will gain access to the new feature starting tomorrow: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, El Salvador, Uruguay, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong.--techcrunch on real time spotify lyrics
Biggest irony? Tato cancelled the first physical therapy session, because his kids and in laws said they were coming home that day. And then they never showed up. Yukyukyuk.


It will work out great for our sport, as a whole. I think well gain a lot of new fans and a lot of new people will be paying attention, and thats great for all of us. THE FEUDS Hamlin, who won his third Daytona 500 in February, has been beefing with LaJoie on Twitter for months. It seemed harmless at first it wasnt even clear they were serious but took a turn in the last week. --Brendan Gaughan
M Kfivethousand
2021-01-29 01:25:41 UTC
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
Post by M Kfivethousand
second times a charm??
“It tried to exploit popular unease with the culturally new as a way to get a green light for the rollback that Goldwater and the serious right really cared about—a restoration of old-style economic and tax and regulatory policies tilted toward business and the well-to-do.
That lashing of cultural fear to political economics was just ahead of its time. Because 1964 was before the proliferation of hippies and marijuana and psychedelics, before a large feminist movement emerged and workplaces started filling with unprecedented numbers of women. It was before U.S. combat forces went to Vietnam, before the antiwar movement blossomed. It was before violent crime really shot up—murders in the United States increased by half during the five years from 1964 to 1969, and in New York City by that much in just two years, from 1966 to 1968.
Goldwater’s landslide defeat was before the epic black uprisings that came later in the 1960s (Watts, Newark, Detroit) along with the black power movement. But it was just after a couple of years of spectacular civil rights demonstrations and confrontations and immediately after the Civil Rights Act became law—which is why the Goldwater film[…]”
Excerpt From
Evil Geniuses
Kurt Andersen
I think the JUDGE is the Kraken.
Wow: "This lawsuit smacks of racism," a Wisconsin judge just said to
Trump's lawyer. She says Trump targeted two counties for litigation
"because of their diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic."
Judge Jill Karofsky: "In your lawsuit what you have done here is
target the vote of 250,000 pple — not statewide, but in two of our 72
counties that have diverse populations, because they are urban, and
because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of
"This not normal," the justice continued. "It is not normal for us to
be sitting here 48 hours before the Electoral College sits. It is not
normal for only two out of 72 counties to be at risk of losing their
voice in this election."
The smackdown of Trump continues: "This case is not about election
fraud," the Wisconsin judge said. "It is not about anyone in this
state doing anything wrong. This case is about not just seeding — but
watering and nurturing — doubt about a legitimate election."
The judge concludes with a great question for Trump's lawyer: "Mr.
Troupis, I am very interested in knowing about one person in Dane
County or one person in Milwaukee County who engaged in election fraud
on Nov. 3, 2020."
The Trump campaign lawyer, Jim Troupis, did not come up with an
instance of fraud. He said ballots were cast using an "illegal form"
under state law. "I did not make that decision. Donald Trump did not
make that decision." (He then concedes this type of form is used
Justice Rebecca Dallet is now grilling Trump's lawyer. They're
discussing a procedure for correcting a "witness address" on an
absentee ballot.
"This is procedure used across the state — not just Dane and Milwaukee
County, the only two counties you are challenging, correct?"
The judge asked why Trump had no issue with this procedure four years
ago: "In 2016, did the president challenge this supposedly illegal
process that was happening in Wisconsin and Dane County?"
Trump lawyer responds: No, but that's because Trump wasn't an
aggrieved party then.
This is wild: Trump's lawyer said they looked at Facebook posts of
some voters. They found 10 voters who said they were "indefinitely
confined" but posted about being at public events.
Judge scoffs: "Facebook posts? That's the evidence?"
(Confined voters don't need to show ID)
A judge reminded Trump's lawyer that he and his wife voted in-person
absentee, so he's trying to have his own family's votes thrown out.
"I don't know if that is unclean hands or what," the justice said.
the congresspeople who did the tours can just lie about it and say it never happened. The only way they could prove it is if they had emails that said “hello, see you tomorrow at our reconnaissance mission before your riot at the Capitol”
Gotta go get it, why would you cry about it, cry about it?
You 'posed to die about it, die about it
You 'posed to tell 'em the truth
Why would you lie about it, lie about it?--Lie Bout It
Rylo Rodriguez
Trump went to the Alamo on Wednesday
suppose it was some sort of symbolic thing regarding his impeachment
It’s actually Alamo Texas (the city) not the building in San Antonio.
But that won’t stop them from all going to the wrong place.
He wants photo ops at the border wall for a propaganda video before he leaves
He could not figure how to host the video
somehow he did not know he has a whole website the taxpayers pay for at dot gov
If you got that on your record prolly take you for your chick
Disrespect you infront of your kids
Treat you like the broad that you is
That’s on God and my kid--Status Symbol 2
Nipsey Hussle
Trump should also be impeached for the Dejoy scandal
Scroll through to bottom to see what cases they dealt with recently
would be great if DeJoy and Trump ended up on this list as defendants for all the damage they did to the post office and how they lost all those ballots
H.R.305 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman.
that is the officer who diverted all the rioters
That’s awesome.
I saw the video of this guy and tbh he looked to me like he was functioning under abject fear, more than anything else.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Mickey Guyton is turning a mirror on country music by speaking her truth and reclaiming both her career and identity.
Delivering a one-two punch of important songs this year leading up to her first new EP in five years, Guyton is not holding back her powerful voice any longer.--KRISTIN M. HALL, Associated Press
Pretty entertaining at the time
The Goldberg File
by Jonah Goldberg
Dear Reader (especially early Boris Johnson, in case he feels inclined to make my skull explode),
I am sitting here on the Acela barreling towards Washington, D.C.
“Barreling” is a generous term for the relatively plodding pace we’re taking. But I’m in a generous mood. And, frankly, who isn’t? Why, the people on this train are celebrating like joyous Bolsheviks moments after seizing the Winter Palace or after Bernie Sanders won the Michigan primary. Everyone is grinning like Bill Clinton after the Secret Service gives the “all clear” for the strippers to come out from their hiding places underneath the bed and behind the window curtains. “Pantsuit One has left the building, sir.”
It’s all hugs, smiles, backslapping, and joy for as far as the eye can see. As I look out the window, I can see people skipping and dancing to the tune of “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as played out of their own butts.
Obviously, I’m referring to the wonder and glee that comes from living in an age when a woman can finally be the presidential nominee of a major political party.
Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one at all was reading this “news”letter (“That’s always been my expectation” -- The Couch). I mean, why should I bother when every street corner and crack-vial-strewn alleyway is now as majestic and glorious as that alpine slope where Julie Andrews sings about how the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pro-Forma Passion
Sorry, none of this is the case. But you could be forgiven for thinking so if you took Tuesday’s election-night coverage seriously. I have no doubt some people -- Donna Brazile, for instance -- were entirely sincere in their glee that a woman broke the “glass ceiling,” etc. Others like Paul Begala were no doubt happy that their friend, and gravy train, was that much closer to heading into White House Station.
But all in all, the lip-service about how thrilling it is that a woman has finally become a major party nominee felt far less sincere than the applause for Kim Jong-un’s demonstration of the latest technology at North Korean Peoples’ Hula Hoop Factory No. 7. Over and over again Tuesday night, anchors and pundits said, “Let’s just take a moment and appreciate the historic nature of it all,” with all of the emotional intensity of a college president required to talk about how excited he is to be at the ribbon-cutting for the new faculty parking lot.
And, it is historic and good and all that. As the father of a daughter, I’m glad this utterly inevitable and predictable moment with the thing and the girls and the broken-glass whatever has happened.
First of all, this makes no sense. The whole idea of dreaming revolves around the fact dreams don’t have limits. This is pretty much why we call them dreams instead of “Third Quarter Budget Proposals.” Last week I dreamed about a bat-winged basset hound that harassed the local villagers by flying in through their windows and aggressively napping in inconvenient places. In another dream, Carrot Top was not only funny, he was a very large rabbit who kept trying to eat his own head. Why just last night, Morpheus -- the god of dreams, not the guy from The Matrix -- planted in my mind a vision of the GOP nominating a mature and principled conservative for 2016. In other words, the craziest s*** can happen in dreams.
So the idea that Hillary Clinton’s nomination lifts one of the final ectoplasmic shackles on the dreams of young girls strikes me as . . . implausible.
It’s also ironic. While I have no problem with my daughter -- or any young girl -- setting their sights on the White House, I would dearly hope they don’t follow Hillary Clinton’s path to it. As Iowahawk put it, “Hopefully Hillary will inspire a new generation of girls to marry ambitious perverts who will pay off their embarrassment with Senate seats.”
However, if my kid’s takeaway is that she, too, can grow up to give utterly banal speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop, I’ll be like, “Follow your dreams, sweetheart.”
I mean, where else but America, or possibly Canada, can you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sound like a cross between a random cliché generator and Charlie Brown’s teacher?
Race, Gender, and Uncategorical Hillary
Anyway, back to whatever point I was trying to make. Oh, right. On Tuesday night, I was laughing watching all of the talking heads say the right words with their mouths but yawn with their eyes. It was like on Seinfeld when everyone has to say “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” or when newscasters insist on saying “allegedly” even when they have video of the guy pleasuring himself in the frozen-food section of the Winn-Dixie. It’s just something they have to say.
If you compare this moment to 2008, it becomes entirely obvious that even for most hardcore liberals, Hillary Clinton’s accomplishment isn’t nearly as emotionally exciting as Barack Obama’s was. Part of that has to do with the differences between race and gender in American culture and history. But that is a conversation for another time.
Besides, it has more to do with Hillary Clinton herself. As I’ve written before, she really just isn’t a “woman” anymore.
Oh sure, she’s a woman in the biological sense, which is kind of ironic given that her becoming the presumptive nominee comes at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
No, my point is that Barack Obama was largely a blank slate in 2008, and he was seen in no small part categorically as The First Black President. That’s not the case with Hillary Clinton. She’s a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.
The fun part of all this is that what is a victory for feminism is a setback for Clinton. That’s because on the merits, she’s not even a fraction as interesting or exciting as the category. Another woman might have excited all of those young Bernie Sanders fans early on in the primaries. But they were more excited by breaking the taboo on socialist presidents than female ones.
Sometimes the shadows fall very far short of the ideal in Plato’s cave. It’s like a little kid who daydreams of getting a dog. Dog-as-category dog fetches and does other tricks. Categorical dog protects you from bullies and goes on adventures with you.
Then your parents get you a real dog and it’s a three-legged narcoleptic Chihuahua with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Since I don’t want to be interpreted as calling Clinton a dog, I will make the exact same point about a condo in Port Arthur, Texas. In your imagination, it’s all pool parties and barbecues with beautiful people. In reality, it’s sunburns, ridiculous condo fees, and a shared too-thin wall with a hard-of-hearing dude who watches way too much Canadian porn. (“Oh yeah, baby, what are you going to do aboot it?”)
In other words, Hillary Clinton isn’t about to bump her head on any Platonic ideals any time soon. She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.
But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.
I have a friend I have to dump because she is a trump supporter and she carries a gun
She lives in my neighborhood
I think half of her problem is she never learned to cook so has to rely on take out and ready meals, which are not as plentiful in supermarkets these days
Every conversation i have had with her in the last few months goes like this
No that's not true
No there is no evidence of that
You saw that on tucker carlson last night and that is irresponsible hogwash,
show me the proof and i will believe you
I do not want to talk to her to get her opinion of the insurrection
She probably was there for all i know
We'll make it out!
Before the waves crash down, and pull us under.
The way you carry yourself,
Dragging me back against my will,-- Ascendings
Last week- I’m done, I’m out
This week- hi I’m back
‘I'm in my bed, and you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands,
Forget what I said, It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back,--harry styles
i knew a judge who had to go to jail, he ended up pleading guilty
in the case I knew sad, but I also see a background as an aggressive prosecutor with no leavening defense experience....
Lindsey has defense experience
possibly this has leavened his attitude towards impeachment but i doubt it
there is more to it
We are at the Lake retreat until late this month Reading another Dalrymple book on the Brit underclass and bureaucratic "help"......great writer.
Eighties new wave punk group Bow Wow Wow straddled the chasm separating high art and low art, parodying Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe on an album cover one minute and singing about wanting candy the next. --Jeremy Allen
I do not think Trump ever managed to damage Bruce Ohr and his wife as hard as he tried
He kept calling her the Lovely Mollie
In any case, her name is actually Nellie, and the reason why this is especially egregious on his part, is because he always refers to her as “lovely”, on purpose.
She could be considered as relatively not so attractive (on a typical trump scale, not “central casting” at all) , so what he was doing was sideswiping her looks, just like he did with Ted Cruz’s wife.
And compared to his own gorgeous bombshell genius visa wife.
Tekido na aiduchi de unazui tokeba
Ai rashiki monowa sukoshi moraeru kara
Demone , tari nai toki moaruyo ?
Watashi , sono teido ja mita senaiyo-
Ma asked me after dialysis to tell her what up with trump, what’s the legal deal
Not sure where she heard about it, maybe on a tv scroll in dialysis or her I pad when the weather or wsj alerts pop up
She’s been watching natgeo for the last month
I just said - he’s a mafiosi
That wasn’t enough she said change my tv to cnn
She’s spent the last couple hours trying to figure it out
The following markets will gain access to the new feature starting tomorrow: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, El Salvador, Uruguay, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong.--techcrunch on real time spotify lyrics
Biggest irony? Tato cancelled the first physical therapy session, because his kids and in laws said they were coming home that day. And then they never showed up. Yukyukyuk.
It will work out great for our sport, as a whole. I think well gain a lot of new fans and a lot of new people will be paying attention, and thats great for all of us. THE FEUDS Hamlin, who won his third Daytona 500 in February, has been beefing with LaJoie on Twitter for months. It seemed harmless at first it wasnt even clear they were serious but took a turn in the last week. --Brendan Gaughan
the doctor said it was not important, because it was basic life function therapy only (like how to get a spoon into your own mouth, without missing), which tato had already gained all those functions back by the time the lady got there. But he said "Take it anyway, just cause it's free".

I'm thinking anything free is worth as much. I convinced him to take the first session, just to check it out, but then after the first one, I agreed it was non-value added.

arguing with me about the value of a lady with a clipboard?


For sure, the American people have access to more information now than any other people who have ever lived on earth. And I think we do a pretty good job of sorting out what's important.

Bob Schieffer
